I know, I know, Adam had the most talent. He did. NO question about it. But the good news is America has shown we still prefer the wholesome all American to the "out there" guy.
I know no one liked Kris but us, and I know Adam will have 40 times the success and career but I liked the Kris package. He seemed like a genuine guy. Real, honest, values, morals etc.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Well that was a shocker I must say...who would have thought that ole Kris could pull off a win over Crow...I think like I said yesterday it must have been that the kind of people that were Danny fans were much more likely to switch to Kris over Adam....I will never get it though...Now my vote WAS for Kris, but you know all the reasons why....but it didn't mean I actually thought he was good enough to win, or even thought he would. Let's face it though, Kris NEEDED the win in order to really have a good chance of pulling off any kind of a real stardom, where Crow has already pulled it off. No doubt he will be HUGE....However, the fact that he preformed with KISS (Knights in Satan's Service, for those who don't know) says sooo much about his "feel"...they get to say what "star" they want to preform with and if they can get them, they do. So obviously Crow picked KISS...and what was he wearing?? Was that suppose to be like black angel wings going?? Ummmm hello??? I do think Crow really thought he had it though...seemed genuinely shocked I thought...Oh well, guess it's over and I for one will miss the show. I really do love hearing people sing for some reason...I thought Danny sounded and looked wonderful last night. Some of those others I forgot how much I DID NOT LIKE them....haha I will definitely watch for Danny's CD to come out as I will be on it for sure. I LOVE his voice....He was the American Idol to me......OK, that's it.....till next year.....haha
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Well, like I said last week, the final for me is no big deal. Don't really care who wins at this point. In my opinion even the song the judges RAVED about for Kris, was nothing major...it was OK, and I kind of liked it, but that's about it....And all I could think of on that last one where they both did the same song was how utterly amazing Danny would have sounded singing that. I did prefer Kris over Crow on that one however....Crow as usual took a song that is NOT meant to be anything like the kind of things he usually does and added a semi scream to that as that is all he is good for in my opinion. Crow beat Kris over all last night in my opinion....The judges talked Kris up I think to keep it from being stupid he was even in...I do wonder however if all the people who have been Danny fans are the type of people to swing to Crow's feel though. It seems more likely they would go with Kris...However, Crow has kept himself (soooo wisely) humbled and as reg. as he can which should help a lot...I actually did think he sang his first two songs in his usual stun way...I guess if I was going by just straight "singing and preforming" ability (not that I like the kind of music he will sing) I would go with Crow to win, and if I was going for straight "over all better feel" for an American Idol, I'd chose Kris, but like I said (not sure I mentioned it, haha) I DON'T CARE......Oh!!! and I almost forgot, my all time fav, Carrie Underwood, was a STUN as usual last night....did you catch she is the reigning.....Female Entertainer of the Year?? hardly a shocker...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Why Danny is Off
I think sometimes people who really like someone get scared and vote their butts off. Kris' fans knew he was in trouble and really hit the phones, where I think Danny's fans thought he was safe and were maybe more complacent with the voting.
Danny is hands down a better singer than Kris. But Kris has the little girls and they're the ones who really vote, most other people don't care enough to actually vote. God knows I don't.
Adam is now a slam dunk to win the whole thing. And he is flat out the best singer/entertainer. I think he's actually the most talented Idol in years.
I cried too...
It was REALLY emotional. Danny is SUCH an all around great guy and you're right, he handled it with class. But that last song was more than I could handle. My gosh he has an emotional connection when he sings.
Though I like Kris, I must say I'm stunned he made it over Danny. But you're right Deb, it's the young girls. Sadly, it's the fact that he's absolutely darling on top of it. It goes back to the shallow world we live in.
Which leads me to Adam. Not that he's shallow, but that here is our world. And as far as I'm concerned you couldn't have a better American "Idol". He's everything this crazy world represents. I'm not judging. Let's face it, my opinion from the beginning has been that I HAVE to remove the background and who someone really is as a person to enjoy them as an artist. Maybe I shouldn't. But I do. And he's very talented. And entertaining. Period.
But when people like Danny who are everything you'd like America to seek out and stand for leave....it somehow makes you face reality. And our world is just in a very sad state.
Though I like Kris, I must say I'm stunned he made it over Danny. But you're right Deb, it's the young girls. Sadly, it's the fact that he's absolutely darling on top of it. It goes back to the shallow world we live in.
Which leads me to Adam. Not that he's shallow, but that here is our world. And as far as I'm concerned you couldn't have a better American "Idol". He's everything this crazy world represents. I'm not judging. Let's face it, my opinion from the beginning has been that I HAVE to remove the background and who someone really is as a person to enjoy them as an artist. Maybe I shouldn't. But I do. And he's very talented. And entertaining. Period.
But when people like Danny who are everything you'd like America to seek out and stand for leave....it somehow makes you face reality. And our world is just in a very sad state.
I don't know what it is...I just CANNOT see the appeal of Kris......He is kind of cute, his voice is OK, sometimes entering into REALLY good, but I have heard many just "ok" performances out of him....I think it is all the little girls which I think is his main appeal....ANYWAY, Danny going off is downright sad in the respect that I soo looked forward to hearing him sing every week....but guess there is only one week left anyway, but it is one of my fav's for their songs...And I am sooo glad he sang you are so beautiful again....it is orbital. I would buy a CD of his with that song on it in a heart beat....bottom line is he will record and do VERY VERY well, and any way you want to cut it American Idol has changed his life and made him a star....so hardly anything to pitch into a home over....he handled it all with the class he has displayed from the very beginning....I wonder how many people (like me) never bothered to vote figuring he was a shoe in for the final....the main reason I can't bear Kris in the final is he has (in my opinion) absolutely NO CHANCE whatsoever of beating Crow...meaning our next American Idol (while truly a talented gifted singer) is a immoral homosexual transvestite....singing what will probably no doubt be "trashy type" (obviously not all of rock & roll is) Rock & Roll. Which in some ways shouldn't shock me....it IS the way the whole country has gone....what is soo ironic is the screaming girls thinking he is sooo "hot" when he isn't into them at all....I guess the bottom line is I don't "know" the guy, but what I CAN see of him (his fruit) looks pretty bad...but hopefully he is a nice guy who will represent the "American" Idol title well. Once again, didn't matter if he won or not, he will no doubt be a SUPER star....his voice is truly orbital, and he has a charisma that you cannot deny (though it scares me where is might have come from)and people love a do your own thing and the farther out there you are the better feel. Obviously for me, the finale is ruined...haha...but I imagine I'll live, as ala Daughtry, Danny will too all the way to the bank.....I am happy for him that after his tragedy he had such a great diversion to get him through the first few horrible months.....By the way, Mel had me braced for Danny cuz she called holding in a hysteria (she LOVES Danny and has disliked Kris from the beginning haha.. could never get by his weird mouth thing) begging me to call first thing this morning as she was bursting to chew the story....and Mike screamed out in the back ground once..."Don't watch Deb, you'll HATE it.." Mel said, "He's just being weird mom, it's not what you think.." It gave me hope, but secretly I "knew"..... :( I guess I'll have to root for Kris now, so here's hoping he can pull it off.....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I HATE The Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Pics
I just now watched the show from last night.
I thought Danny's second song was an absolute STUN. He finally got the feel he has needed. I agree, Deb, it was his best performance.
I thought Kris's second song was orbital! If he goes tonite and I am thinking he will, he will record and be a star.
I thought Adam's first song was beautiful. I love that song and I loved his take on it. It is the first ballad feel that I have really liked him on. Second song, OK. But, OK , for Adam is a chart topper for others. His voice is unbelievable.
At this point it will just be a matter of taste, but I think the winner will be Adam. Danae is right, it seems like Simon can direct things and he seems to love Adam.
I thought Danny's second song was an absolute STUN. He finally got the feel he has needed. I agree, Deb, it was his best performance.
I thought Kris's second song was orbital! If he goes tonite and I am thinking he will, he will record and be a star.
I thought Adam's first song was beautiful. I love that song and I loved his take on it. It is the first ballad feel that I have really liked him on. Second song, OK. But, OK , for Adam is a chart topper for others. His voice is unbelievable.
At this point it will just be a matter of taste, but I think the winner will be Adam. Danae is right, it seems like Simon can direct things and he seems to love Adam.
Everyone is SO different!
Paul and I both LOVE Kris! I agreed with the judges last night on his second performance as well. I think he has amazing talent and is quite an artist.
Adam was too typical for me. I also think Simon has some kind of bizarre attachment to the man (?) EVERY week he has SEVERAL things to say about how wonderful he is. His comments last night were stupid. He knows that the public tends to vote the way he calls it and wanted to be VERY sure his little Adam was in there. I am fully aware that Adam will no doubt become a super star. He's talented beyond comprehension. But I do think he's overdone in the screaming arena. I'm sure the "young folk" love it. I guess I'm too old for it.
Danny is the best all around package frankly. I REALLY like just who he is let alone his vocal talent. He appears to be SUCH a great guy. My concern is he's not....star quality?...charismatic?....I don't know but something is missing. Not that I want it to be. I'd love for him to be the super star someday. I just think the world is more "out there" than him.
Adam was too typical for me. I also think Simon has some kind of bizarre attachment to the man (?) EVERY week he has SEVERAL things to say about how wonderful he is. His comments last night were stupid. He knows that the public tends to vote the way he calls it and wanted to be VERY sure his little Adam was in there. I am fully aware that Adam will no doubt become a super star. He's talented beyond comprehension. But I do think he's overdone in the screaming arena. I'm sure the "young folk" love it. I guess I'm too old for it.
Danny is the best all around package frankly. I REALLY like just who he is let alone his vocal talent. He appears to be SUCH a great guy. My concern is he's not....star quality?...charismatic?....I don't know but something is missing. Not that I want it to be. I'd love for him to be the super star someday. I just think the world is more "out there" than him.
Well for me last nights performances made it VERY clear who the idol should be...haha Not that I have every deviated from it once though...
Danny: was completely orbital last night!! I LOVED his voice, his song choice, his feel, pretty much everything.....the second song (where he got to chose) is one of my favorite songs and he did not disappoint....it was his best EVER in my opinion.
Crow: for me last night it was one of his weaker nights....I just don't think he was that good.....Especially that first one....(I didn't know either one) as he screamed WAY too much of it in my opinion...I don't know as the judges (especially Simon) think he is sooooo good, but I was just not seeing it last night...
Kris: I STILL find it staggering he is in the top 3....I think America got this wrong...haha I thought he wasn't even CLOSE last night to the league of the other two...The first song he wasn't even hitting those high notes right, (which at this stage should be suicidal haha) and there was one of them where wow, he was REALLY off...and the second one that the judges raved over, was completely forgettable in my opinion....nothing great at all....
Soooooo, FOR ME, based on last night's performances, Kris is OUT and should hit the road, and the American Idol is clearly Danny....Now like I said before, it doesn't REALLY matter at this stage cuz all 3 of them will record and do really really well. And in this arena (making money) I think Crow will go orbital as his kind of music and the age group he will appeal to are the ones spending the most on this kind of amusement....I still don't think he is going to pull in ALL age groups or a lot of main stream America.....BUT he will be HUGE.....
Danny: was completely orbital last night!! I LOVED his voice, his song choice, his feel, pretty much everything.....the second song (where he got to chose) is one of my favorite songs and he did not disappoint....it was his best EVER in my opinion.
Crow: for me last night it was one of his weaker nights....I just don't think he was that good.....Especially that first one....(I didn't know either one) as he screamed WAY too much of it in my opinion...I don't know as the judges (especially Simon) think he is sooooo good, but I was just not seeing it last night...
Kris: I STILL find it staggering he is in the top 3....I think America got this wrong...haha I thought he wasn't even CLOSE last night to the league of the other two...The first song he wasn't even hitting those high notes right, (which at this stage should be suicidal haha) and there was one of them where wow, he was REALLY off...and the second one that the judges raved over, was completely forgettable in my opinion....nothing great at all....
Soooooo, FOR ME, based on last night's performances, Kris is OUT and should hit the road, and the American Idol is clearly Danny....Now like I said before, it doesn't REALLY matter at this stage cuz all 3 of them will record and do really really well. And in this arena (making money) I think Crow will go orbital as his kind of music and the age group he will appeal to are the ones spending the most on this kind of amusement....I still don't think he is going to pull in ALL age groups or a lot of main stream America.....BUT he will be HUGE.....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mel called (she always finishes watching a good hour or so BEFORE it even comes on here do to the time difference) and could hardly control herself and did at least say....it's NOT who you think....for some reason I got into my head it was Danny and I could barely watch the show....haha
I have to admit I do find it kind of shocking that it was Allison over Kris, but in other ways not shocking at all. She has hung in TOTALLY based on the fact that she could really sing and not much else as a lot of people have disliked her from the very beginning.....She IS somewhat annoying and kind of grating....but personally I think she will end up being quite a HUGE star anyway.....she is REALLY talented and still sooo young....Kris on the other hand is REALLY good as well and I have ALWAYS enjoyed him, but I just don't think he is remarkable enough to be all that great....and he is DEFINITELY not American Idol to me....
Daughtry was a STUN!!! He of course is the perfect example of what I was saying before...It doesn't REALLY matter at the end of the day who wins....cuz it doesn't make you a star....it's who sells the most.....and to think Taylor Hicks beat him is just downright laughable....and of course what difference does it make?? I'm sure Daughtry cries all the way to the bank....and BOTTOM line, he too has American Idol to thank for his success...
I was OK I guess with Paula's performance....I just don't know for some reason though...there was nothing to point at and say or anything...she just seems a little "old" or something for that kind of a performance....It was Brittany Spearish I think....I don't know, it might have been OK....I'd have to hear more of her stuff I guess...at the end of the day it doesn't matter though, cuz I don't ever listen to that kind of music anyway. I have never heard a single one of Daughtry's hits either...
Oh, and I thought the way Danny could laugh at himself over how he sounded on that final note said a lot. Just goes along with his "feel" in my opinion....He is a classy man and seems to have a GREAT character....which makes him the American Idol in my opinion....unlike Crow who put himself in what was obviously the top group and seemed sooo shock when he was in the bottom....there is of course a lot to be said for confidence, but his to me is orbital conceit...
And I guess that's all I got....I love the home town visit week, plus the song the judges tell them to do, so I am looking forward to next week. Sad part, this is almost over.... =(
OH!! And I stand sooo obviously wrong (after all of this) on the final 3....I am still kind of shocked Kris got in, but at the end of the day, yah yah, he can't win...though I probably shouldn't have said that, I am hardly on a roll. haha
I have to admit I do find it kind of shocking that it was Allison over Kris, but in other ways not shocking at all. She has hung in TOTALLY based on the fact that she could really sing and not much else as a lot of people have disliked her from the very beginning.....She IS somewhat annoying and kind of grating....but personally I think she will end up being quite a HUGE star anyway.....she is REALLY talented and still sooo young....Kris on the other hand is REALLY good as well and I have ALWAYS enjoyed him, but I just don't think he is remarkable enough to be all that great....and he is DEFINITELY not American Idol to me....
Daughtry was a STUN!!! He of course is the perfect example of what I was saying before...It doesn't REALLY matter at the end of the day who wins....cuz it doesn't make you a star....it's who sells the most.....and to think Taylor Hicks beat him is just downright laughable....and of course what difference does it make?? I'm sure Daughtry cries all the way to the bank....and BOTTOM line, he too has American Idol to thank for his success...
I was OK I guess with Paula's performance....I just don't know for some reason though...there was nothing to point at and say or anything...she just seems a little "old" or something for that kind of a performance....It was Brittany Spearish I think....I don't know, it might have been OK....I'd have to hear more of her stuff I guess...at the end of the day it doesn't matter though, cuz I don't ever listen to that kind of music anyway. I have never heard a single one of Daughtry's hits either...
Oh, and I thought the way Danny could laugh at himself over how he sounded on that final note said a lot. Just goes along with his "feel" in my opinion....He is a classy man and seems to have a GREAT character....which makes him the American Idol in my opinion....unlike Crow who put himself in what was obviously the top group and seemed sooo shock when he was in the bottom....there is of course a lot to be said for confidence, but his to me is orbital conceit...
And I guess that's all I got....I love the home town visit week, plus the song the judges tell them to do, so I am looking forward to next week. Sad part, this is almost over.... =(
OH!! And I stand sooo obviously wrong (after all of this) on the final 3....I am still kind of shocked Kris got in, but at the end of the day, yah yah, he can't win...though I probably shouldn't have said that, I am hardly on a roll. haha
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I agree
to some extent on everyone's comments. No real need to even post my own except I rarely do anymore so thought I'd participate. I have one very pressing thing to say...
Adam was beyond amazing. How fortunate for him it was rock week right after his bottom two debacle. I like Allison's voice...but still don't know about her total package. Kris' performance was sad and I felt sorry for him. I do really like him as well but he was way too far out of his comfort zone last night and his attempt to fit in bordered on pathetic.
Here's the mind blower for all of you. Though I LOVE Danny's overall package, I was NOT impressed with his performance last night. Bear in mind Kansas was probably my all time love for bands as a teen. In my opinion, Danny's performance wasn't even in the parking lot of the ball park and frankly, the last note (the most important) was idiotic at best. Sorry.
Adam was beyond amazing. How fortunate for him it was rock week right after his bottom two debacle. I like Allison's voice...but still don't know about her total package. Kris' performance was sad and I felt sorry for him. I do really like him as well but he was way too far out of his comfort zone last night and his attempt to fit in bordered on pathetic.
Here's the mind blower for all of you. Though I LOVE Danny's overall package, I was NOT impressed with his performance last night. Bear in mind Kansas was probably my all time love for bands as a teen. In my opinion, Danny's performance wasn't even in the parking lot of the ball park and frankly, the last note (the most important) was idiotic at best. Sorry.
Adam: No denying it.....this WAS Crow's shot to shine, and he DEFINITELY did....He was a complete and utter stun.....the song and the way he did it was ABSOLUTELY perfect...Here's where he most obviously belongs....the problem for me is the same....while there is "some" rock and roll music I like, some classic Beatles, Stones, and some others, MOST of it, I do NOT like....I won't listen to....and have a problem with....soooo, that coupled with his other obvious problems, I will never vote for Crow or want him to win (and I am thinking millions more of main stream America will be with me on this) having said that, he remains hands down the "best" or most talented singer, and will no doubt be a super star rather he wins or not....And even if Danny or someone else does win, I don't see any other "super" stars this year....
Allison: I thought as always she did REALLY well. I agree with everyone else on song choice though....I liked her performance, and as I dwelt on it, I ALWAYS look forward to hearing her song....I don't think she will go, but nothing shocks me...
Danny: Stun as always in every way....I really do love his voice too.....I agree though, that last high note was not right on....but don't think it matters...
Kris: Sucked lemons tonight, but then you kind of knew he would. This just was not him.....unfortunately for him, "this music" came at a BAD time, cuz he sooo stuck out this way as the weak link....But I guess truthfully compared to the other 3 he IS the weak link anyway.....My choice to go tonight....
We are close to my prediction weeks ago that Crow and Danny and Allison will be the final 3....then Crow and Danny, and I still think Danny has a good shot of pulling it off. But like I said, it doesn't really matter who wins here....Crow will be THE super star....and at the end of the day, who records and sells the most is the real winner....
Final prediction to go: Kris
Allison: I thought as always she did REALLY well. I agree with everyone else on song choice though....I liked her performance, and as I dwelt on it, I ALWAYS look forward to hearing her song....I don't think she will go, but nothing shocks me...
Danny: Stun as always in every way....I really do love his voice too.....I agree though, that last high note was not right on....but don't think it matters...
Kris: Sucked lemons tonight, but then you kind of knew he would. This just was not him.....unfortunately for him, "this music" came at a BAD time, cuz he sooo stuck out this way as the weak link....But I guess truthfully compared to the other 3 he IS the weak link anyway.....My choice to go tonight....
We are close to my prediction weeks ago that Crow and Danny and Allison will be the final 3....then Crow and Danny, and I still think Danny has a good shot of pulling it off. But like I said, it doesn't really matter who wins here....Crow will be THE super star....and at the end of the day, who records and sells the most is the real winner....
Final prediction to go: Kris
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I love Led Zeppelin and I could not imagine anyone, even Adam, attempting Robert Plant's voice. He was a STUN! I loved it! I totally agree, Chuck, on how good Slash's advice to him was. It made his performance perfect. I knew this was going to be Adam's night to shine and he did not disappoint. I really enjoyed Slash as the mentor. And I can not wait for Chris Daughtry tomorrow night!
I loved Danny! I thought he sounded great, as always! Scream at the end was disappointing, but not devastating.....
I thought Allison looked the best I have seen her and I thought her performance was entertaining. I really like her voice. I, agree, she should have chosen a different song.
Chris.......I think he just might be going home. Definitely the weakest link on the night.
They call it The Slash
I love Slash. This is possibly the first time I've ever been waiting on pins and needles to see idol. I just watched Crow do Whole Lotta Love, and it was pretty dang cool. At the beginning he sounded so much like Robert Plant I almost thought he had gone too far, but then he lost Plant and became Adam and it just kicked butt.
I've been saying all season long Adam is this generation's Axl Rose, in terms of how he sounds anyway, and this is the perfect week for him. I'm almost positive Slash is going to try to hire Crow to be the singer for Velvet Revolver. Mark my words, you heard it hear first.
And I was SO DANG GLAD AND HAPPY when Slash told him to stop beating the crap out of his upper register and concentrate a little more on the low notes, because I've been DYING, I'm using the word DYING, to say that to Adam all season long. Finally, someone said it. And coming from Slash, Adam seemed to take it to heart. If anyone knows how to make a voice like that sound cool its Slash.
I wasn't happy Alison chose Cry Baby. If you're going to sing Janis, A: you better not sound like Janis, or you'll suffer in comparison. Alison did, and Alison did. And B: You better sing a good Janis song, otherwise people are just going to be thinking, boy, she should have done Bobby McGee or Piece of my Heart. And that's what I was thinking the whole time. That said she sounded OK. I predict she goes home. She did fine but it's down to only four left and I think she's the weak link at this point. Still don't like her nose.
I don't know why they do these stupid numbers with the contestants in the middle of the show. In the 9 years American Idol has been on, I've never once enjoyed one of these little group numbers. Nine years, never once. Renegade? Gimme a break. Why don't they just sing the theme song for Who's the Boss and get it over with.
Chris stunk up the joint. No comment even needed. But I'll make one anyway. I don't know why he played his guitar, I could not hear a lick he played and it slowed him down. It's hard to sing and keep rhythm with an instrument at the same time if you don't have years of practice. Slash obviously thought the guy sucked and Slash was right.
Danny picked the right song. He did it well too. Sounded great, knocked it out of the park. I love that song, though it's beyond cliche at this point. An A performance all the way around but he can't win. Also, he missed the high note, which is the only vocally interesting thing about the song.
Winner: Crow
Going Home: Allison or Chris
I've been saying all season long Adam is this generation's Axl Rose, in terms of how he sounds anyway, and this is the perfect week for him. I'm almost positive Slash is going to try to hire Crow to be the singer for Velvet Revolver. Mark my words, you heard it hear first.
And I was SO DANG GLAD AND HAPPY when Slash told him to stop beating the crap out of his upper register and concentrate a little more on the low notes, because I've been DYING, I'm using the word DYING, to say that to Adam all season long. Finally, someone said it. And coming from Slash, Adam seemed to take it to heart. If anyone knows how to make a voice like that sound cool its Slash.
I wasn't happy Alison chose Cry Baby. If you're going to sing Janis, A: you better not sound like Janis, or you'll suffer in comparison. Alison did, and Alison did. And B: You better sing a good Janis song, otherwise people are just going to be thinking, boy, she should have done Bobby McGee or Piece of my Heart. And that's what I was thinking the whole time. That said she sounded OK. I predict she goes home. She did fine but it's down to only four left and I think she's the weak link at this point. Still don't like her nose.
I don't know why they do these stupid numbers with the contestants in the middle of the show. In the 9 years American Idol has been on, I've never once enjoyed one of these little group numbers. Nine years, never once. Renegade? Gimme a break. Why don't they just sing the theme song for Who's the Boss and get it over with.
Chris stunk up the joint. No comment even needed. But I'll make one anyway. I don't know why he played his guitar, I could not hear a lick he played and it slowed him down. It's hard to sing and keep rhythm with an instrument at the same time if you don't have years of practice. Slash obviously thought the guy sucked and Slash was right.
Danny picked the right song. He did it well too. Sounded great, knocked it out of the park. I love that song, though it's beyond cliche at this point. An A performance all the way around but he can't win. Also, he missed the high note, which is the only vocally interesting thing about the song.
Winner: Crow
Going Home: Allison or Chris
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