
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sorry mom, but I'm going to have to disagree with most of your post. I knew you would hate the music, you are so predictable!
I kind of agreed with the judges on Scotty. I love him, LOVE him, and he sang it very well... but really? THAT song? It was the ONLY song of the night that I've never heard. It was just kind of weird. As usual, I liked Haley. I LOVE that song she sang, and I actually thought she pulled it off well. I am entertained by her. I also love the song that James sang, and he did it very well. Loved his performance. I don't love the song that Casey picked, but I still love him and he had a good performance. I don't see him as being too weird at all.

Stefano and Jacob are definite bottom 3's tonight. Suck fest, both of them. Especially Stefano. Borderline repulsive and just not that great.

And here's the shocker coming from me, a big Lauren supporter... I just didn't think it was that great. She just... fell short. In my opinion. I still like her, but she needs to kick it up, several notches. I'd actually have her in the bottom 3, based on last nights performance.

My list goes Scotty, Casey, James, Lauren/Haley tied, Jacob, Stefano.

My prediction for who is packing tomorrow? Stefano. Good riddance.

1 comment:

  1. WOW...Well there is the difference with age. Cuz your right, I don't know the songs...and I did say they ALL sang pretty well...I just don't like the music. You have a "weird" thing with Stefano too...haha...he is not nerely as repulsive as you have him...he won't make it though that's a fact. And I jumped off the Jacob bandwagon a while ago. And I do think Haley can sing, I just don't like how she acts. And as for Casey for me while I think he is SUPER talented and sings REALLY well I have a feeling the kind of music he would sing I would never listen to that is why FOR ME he's out. At the end of the day as I have said a million times it is all about WHO ENTERTAINS WHO....and it is going to be as different as the people listening. I like James...kind of a lot...but I DON'T like his kind of music....Not really surprising the country singers are it for me. ; )


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