I know, I know, Adam had the most talent. He did. NO question about it. But the good news is America has shown we still prefer the wholesome all American to the "out there" guy.
I know no one liked Kris but us, and I know Adam will have 40 times the success and career but I liked the Kris package. He seemed like a genuine guy. Real, honest, values, morals etc.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Well that was a shocker I must say...who would have thought that ole Kris could pull off a win over Crow...I think like I said yesterday it must have been that the kind of people that were Danny fans were much more likely to switch to Kris over Adam....I will never get it though...Now my vote WAS for Kris, but you know all the reasons why....but it didn't mean I actually thought he was good enough to win, or even thought he would. Let's face it though, Kris NEEDED the win in order to really have a good chance of pulling off any kind of a real stardom, where Crow has already pulled it off. No doubt he will be HUGE....However, the fact that he preformed with KISS (Knights in Satan's Service, for those who don't know) says sooo much about his "feel"...they get to say what "star" they want to preform with and if they can get them, they do. So obviously Crow picked KISS...and what was he wearing?? Was that suppose to be like black angel wings going?? Ummmm hello??? I do think Crow really thought he had it though...seemed genuinely shocked I thought...Oh well, guess it's over and I for one will miss the show. I really do love hearing people sing for some reason...I thought Danny sounded and looked wonderful last night. Some of those others I forgot how much I DID NOT LIKE them....haha I will definitely watch for Danny's CD to come out as I will be on it for sure. I LOVE his voice....He was the American Idol to me......OK, that's it.....till next year.....haha
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Well, like I said last week, the final for me is no big deal. Don't really care who wins at this point. In my opinion even the song the judges RAVED about for Kris, was nothing major...it was OK, and I kind of liked it, but that's about it....And all I could think of on that last one where they both did the same song was how utterly amazing Danny would have sounded singing that. I did prefer Kris over Crow on that one however....Crow as usual took a song that is NOT meant to be anything like the kind of things he usually does and added a semi scream to that as that is all he is good for in my opinion. Crow beat Kris over all last night in my opinion....The judges talked Kris up I think to keep it from being stupid he was even in...I do wonder however if all the people who have been Danny fans are the type of people to swing to Crow's feel though. It seems more likely they would go with Kris...However, Crow has kept himself (soooo wisely) humbled and as reg. as he can which should help a lot...I actually did think he sang his first two songs in his usual stun way...I guess if I was going by just straight "singing and preforming" ability (not that I like the kind of music he will sing) I would go with Crow to win, and if I was going for straight "over all better feel" for an American Idol, I'd chose Kris, but like I said (not sure I mentioned it, haha) I DON'T CARE......Oh!!! and I almost forgot, my all time fav, Carrie Underwood, was a STUN as usual last night....did you catch she is the reigning.....Female Entertainer of the Year?? hardly a shocker...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Why Danny is Off
I think sometimes people who really like someone get scared and vote their butts off. Kris' fans knew he was in trouble and really hit the phones, where I think Danny's fans thought he was safe and were maybe more complacent with the voting.
Danny is hands down a better singer than Kris. But Kris has the little girls and they're the ones who really vote, most other people don't care enough to actually vote. God knows I don't.
Adam is now a slam dunk to win the whole thing. And he is flat out the best singer/entertainer. I think he's actually the most talented Idol in years.
I cried too...
It was REALLY emotional. Danny is SUCH an all around great guy and you're right, he handled it with class. But that last song was more than I could handle. My gosh he has an emotional connection when he sings.
Though I like Kris, I must say I'm stunned he made it over Danny. But you're right Deb, it's the young girls. Sadly, it's the fact that he's absolutely darling on top of it. It goes back to the shallow world we live in.
Which leads me to Adam. Not that he's shallow, but that here is our world. And as far as I'm concerned you couldn't have a better American "Idol". He's everything this crazy world represents. I'm not judging. Let's face it, my opinion from the beginning has been that I HAVE to remove the background and who someone really is as a person to enjoy them as an artist. Maybe I shouldn't. But I do. And he's very talented. And entertaining. Period.
But when people like Danny who are everything you'd like America to seek out and stand for leave....it somehow makes you face reality. And our world is just in a very sad state.
Though I like Kris, I must say I'm stunned he made it over Danny. But you're right Deb, it's the young girls. Sadly, it's the fact that he's absolutely darling on top of it. It goes back to the shallow world we live in.
Which leads me to Adam. Not that he's shallow, but that here is our world. And as far as I'm concerned you couldn't have a better American "Idol". He's everything this crazy world represents. I'm not judging. Let's face it, my opinion from the beginning has been that I HAVE to remove the background and who someone really is as a person to enjoy them as an artist. Maybe I shouldn't. But I do. And he's very talented. And entertaining. Period.
But when people like Danny who are everything you'd like America to seek out and stand for leave....it somehow makes you face reality. And our world is just in a very sad state.
I don't know what it is...I just CANNOT see the appeal of Kris......He is kind of cute, his voice is OK, sometimes entering into REALLY good, but I have heard many just "ok" performances out of him....I think it is all the little girls which I think is his main appeal....ANYWAY, Danny going off is downright sad in the respect that I soo looked forward to hearing him sing every week....but guess there is only one week left anyway, but it is one of my fav's for their songs...And I am sooo glad he sang you are so beautiful again....it is orbital. I would buy a CD of his with that song on it in a heart beat....bottom line is he will record and do VERY VERY well, and any way you want to cut it American Idol has changed his life and made him a star....so hardly anything to pitch into a home over....he handled it all with the class he has displayed from the very beginning....I wonder how many people (like me) never bothered to vote figuring he was a shoe in for the final....the main reason I can't bear Kris in the final is he has (in my opinion) absolutely NO CHANCE whatsoever of beating Crow...meaning our next American Idol (while truly a talented gifted singer) is a immoral homosexual transvestite....singing what will probably no doubt be "trashy type" (obviously not all of rock & roll is) Rock & Roll. Which in some ways shouldn't shock me....it IS the way the whole country has gone....what is soo ironic is the screaming girls thinking he is sooo "hot" when he isn't into them at all....I guess the bottom line is I don't "know" the guy, but what I CAN see of him (his fruit) looks pretty bad...but hopefully he is a nice guy who will represent the "American" Idol title well. Once again, didn't matter if he won or not, he will no doubt be a SUPER star....his voice is truly orbital, and he has a charisma that you cannot deny (though it scares me where is might have come from)and people love a do your own thing and the farther out there you are the better feel. Obviously for me, the finale is ruined...haha...but I imagine I'll live, as ala Daughtry, Danny will too all the way to the bank.....I am happy for him that after his tragedy he had such a great diversion to get him through the first few horrible months.....By the way, Mel had me braced for Danny cuz she called holding in a hysteria (she LOVES Danny and has disliked Kris from the beginning haha.. could never get by his weird mouth thing) begging me to call first thing this morning as she was bursting to chew the story....and Mike screamed out in the back ground once..."Don't watch Deb, you'll HATE it.." Mel said, "He's just being weird mom, it's not what you think.." It gave me hope, but secretly I "knew"..... :( I guess I'll have to root for Kris now, so here's hoping he can pull it off.....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I HATE The Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Pics
I just now watched the show from last night.
I thought Danny's second song was an absolute STUN. He finally got the feel he has needed. I agree, Deb, it was his best performance.
I thought Kris's second song was orbital! If he goes tonite and I am thinking he will, he will record and be a star.
I thought Adam's first song was beautiful. I love that song and I loved his take on it. It is the first ballad feel that I have really liked him on. Second song, OK. But, OK , for Adam is a chart topper for others. His voice is unbelievable.
At this point it will just be a matter of taste, but I think the winner will be Adam. Danae is right, it seems like Simon can direct things and he seems to love Adam.
I thought Danny's second song was an absolute STUN. He finally got the feel he has needed. I agree, Deb, it was his best performance.
I thought Kris's second song was orbital! If he goes tonite and I am thinking he will, he will record and be a star.
I thought Adam's first song was beautiful. I love that song and I loved his take on it. It is the first ballad feel that I have really liked him on. Second song, OK. But, OK , for Adam is a chart topper for others. His voice is unbelievable.
At this point it will just be a matter of taste, but I think the winner will be Adam. Danae is right, it seems like Simon can direct things and he seems to love Adam.
Everyone is SO different!
Paul and I both LOVE Kris! I agreed with the judges last night on his second performance as well. I think he has amazing talent and is quite an artist.
Adam was too typical for me. I also think Simon has some kind of bizarre attachment to the man (?) EVERY week he has SEVERAL things to say about how wonderful he is. His comments last night were stupid. He knows that the public tends to vote the way he calls it and wanted to be VERY sure his little Adam was in there. I am fully aware that Adam will no doubt become a super star. He's talented beyond comprehension. But I do think he's overdone in the screaming arena. I'm sure the "young folk" love it. I guess I'm too old for it.
Danny is the best all around package frankly. I REALLY like just who he is let alone his vocal talent. He appears to be SUCH a great guy. My concern is he's not....star quality?...charismatic?....I don't know but something is missing. Not that I want it to be. I'd love for him to be the super star someday. I just think the world is more "out there" than him.
Adam was too typical for me. I also think Simon has some kind of bizarre attachment to the man (?) EVERY week he has SEVERAL things to say about how wonderful he is. His comments last night were stupid. He knows that the public tends to vote the way he calls it and wanted to be VERY sure his little Adam was in there. I am fully aware that Adam will no doubt become a super star. He's talented beyond comprehension. But I do think he's overdone in the screaming arena. I'm sure the "young folk" love it. I guess I'm too old for it.
Danny is the best all around package frankly. I REALLY like just who he is let alone his vocal talent. He appears to be SUCH a great guy. My concern is he's not....star quality?...charismatic?....I don't know but something is missing. Not that I want it to be. I'd love for him to be the super star someday. I just think the world is more "out there" than him.
Well for me last nights performances made it VERY clear who the idol should be...haha Not that I have every deviated from it once though...
Danny: was completely orbital last night!! I LOVED his voice, his song choice, his feel, pretty much everything.....the second song (where he got to chose) is one of my favorite songs and he did not disappoint....it was his best EVER in my opinion.
Crow: for me last night it was one of his weaker nights....I just don't think he was that good.....Especially that first one....(I didn't know either one) as he screamed WAY too much of it in my opinion...I don't know as the judges (especially Simon) think he is sooooo good, but I was just not seeing it last night...
Kris: I STILL find it staggering he is in the top 3....I think America got this wrong...haha I thought he wasn't even CLOSE last night to the league of the other two...The first song he wasn't even hitting those high notes right, (which at this stage should be suicidal haha) and there was one of them where wow, he was REALLY off...and the second one that the judges raved over, was completely forgettable in my opinion....nothing great at all....
Soooooo, FOR ME, based on last night's performances, Kris is OUT and should hit the road, and the American Idol is clearly Danny....Now like I said before, it doesn't REALLY matter at this stage cuz all 3 of them will record and do really really well. And in this arena (making money) I think Crow will go orbital as his kind of music and the age group he will appeal to are the ones spending the most on this kind of amusement....I still don't think he is going to pull in ALL age groups or a lot of main stream America.....BUT he will be HUGE.....
Danny: was completely orbital last night!! I LOVED his voice, his song choice, his feel, pretty much everything.....the second song (where he got to chose) is one of my favorite songs and he did not disappoint....it was his best EVER in my opinion.
Crow: for me last night it was one of his weaker nights....I just don't think he was that good.....Especially that first one....(I didn't know either one) as he screamed WAY too much of it in my opinion...I don't know as the judges (especially Simon) think he is sooooo good, but I was just not seeing it last night...
Kris: I STILL find it staggering he is in the top 3....I think America got this wrong...haha I thought he wasn't even CLOSE last night to the league of the other two...The first song he wasn't even hitting those high notes right, (which at this stage should be suicidal haha) and there was one of them where wow, he was REALLY off...and the second one that the judges raved over, was completely forgettable in my opinion....nothing great at all....
Soooooo, FOR ME, based on last night's performances, Kris is OUT and should hit the road, and the American Idol is clearly Danny....Now like I said before, it doesn't REALLY matter at this stage cuz all 3 of them will record and do really really well. And in this arena (making money) I think Crow will go orbital as his kind of music and the age group he will appeal to are the ones spending the most on this kind of amusement....I still don't think he is going to pull in ALL age groups or a lot of main stream America.....BUT he will be HUGE.....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mel called (she always finishes watching a good hour or so BEFORE it even comes on here do to the time difference) and could hardly control herself and did at least say....it's NOT who you think....for some reason I got into my head it was Danny and I could barely watch the show....haha
I have to admit I do find it kind of shocking that it was Allison over Kris, but in other ways not shocking at all. She has hung in TOTALLY based on the fact that she could really sing and not much else as a lot of people have disliked her from the very beginning.....She IS somewhat annoying and kind of grating....but personally I think she will end up being quite a HUGE star anyway.....she is REALLY talented and still sooo young....Kris on the other hand is REALLY good as well and I have ALWAYS enjoyed him, but I just don't think he is remarkable enough to be all that great....and he is DEFINITELY not American Idol to me....
Daughtry was a STUN!!! He of course is the perfect example of what I was saying before...It doesn't REALLY matter at the end of the day who wins....cuz it doesn't make you a star....it's who sells the most.....and to think Taylor Hicks beat him is just downright laughable....and of course what difference does it make?? I'm sure Daughtry cries all the way to the bank....and BOTTOM line, he too has American Idol to thank for his success...
I was OK I guess with Paula's performance....I just don't know for some reason though...there was nothing to point at and say or anything...she just seems a little "old" or something for that kind of a performance....It was Brittany Spearish I think....I don't know, it might have been OK....I'd have to hear more of her stuff I guess...at the end of the day it doesn't matter though, cuz I don't ever listen to that kind of music anyway. I have never heard a single one of Daughtry's hits either...
Oh, and I thought the way Danny could laugh at himself over how he sounded on that final note said a lot. Just goes along with his "feel" in my opinion....He is a classy man and seems to have a GREAT character....which makes him the American Idol in my opinion....unlike Crow who put himself in what was obviously the top group and seemed sooo shock when he was in the bottom....there is of course a lot to be said for confidence, but his to me is orbital conceit...
And I guess that's all I got....I love the home town visit week, plus the song the judges tell them to do, so I am looking forward to next week. Sad part, this is almost over.... =(
OH!! And I stand sooo obviously wrong (after all of this) on the final 3....I am still kind of shocked Kris got in, but at the end of the day, yah yah, he can't win...though I probably shouldn't have said that, I am hardly on a roll. haha
I have to admit I do find it kind of shocking that it was Allison over Kris, but in other ways not shocking at all. She has hung in TOTALLY based on the fact that she could really sing and not much else as a lot of people have disliked her from the very beginning.....She IS somewhat annoying and kind of grating....but personally I think she will end up being quite a HUGE star anyway.....she is REALLY talented and still sooo young....Kris on the other hand is REALLY good as well and I have ALWAYS enjoyed him, but I just don't think he is remarkable enough to be all that great....and he is DEFINITELY not American Idol to me....
Daughtry was a STUN!!! He of course is the perfect example of what I was saying before...It doesn't REALLY matter at the end of the day who wins....cuz it doesn't make you a star....it's who sells the most.....and to think Taylor Hicks beat him is just downright laughable....and of course what difference does it make?? I'm sure Daughtry cries all the way to the bank....and BOTTOM line, he too has American Idol to thank for his success...
I was OK I guess with Paula's performance....I just don't know for some reason though...there was nothing to point at and say or anything...she just seems a little "old" or something for that kind of a performance....It was Brittany Spearish I think....I don't know, it might have been OK....I'd have to hear more of her stuff I guess...at the end of the day it doesn't matter though, cuz I don't ever listen to that kind of music anyway. I have never heard a single one of Daughtry's hits either...
Oh, and I thought the way Danny could laugh at himself over how he sounded on that final note said a lot. Just goes along with his "feel" in my opinion....He is a classy man and seems to have a GREAT character....which makes him the American Idol in my opinion....unlike Crow who put himself in what was obviously the top group and seemed sooo shock when he was in the bottom....there is of course a lot to be said for confidence, but his to me is orbital conceit...
And I guess that's all I got....I love the home town visit week, plus the song the judges tell them to do, so I am looking forward to next week. Sad part, this is almost over.... =(
OH!! And I stand sooo obviously wrong (after all of this) on the final 3....I am still kind of shocked Kris got in, but at the end of the day, yah yah, he can't win...though I probably shouldn't have said that, I am hardly on a roll. haha
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I agree
to some extent on everyone's comments. No real need to even post my own except I rarely do anymore so thought I'd participate. I have one very pressing thing to say...
Adam was beyond amazing. How fortunate for him it was rock week right after his bottom two debacle. I like Allison's voice...but still don't know about her total package. Kris' performance was sad and I felt sorry for him. I do really like him as well but he was way too far out of his comfort zone last night and his attempt to fit in bordered on pathetic.
Here's the mind blower for all of you. Though I LOVE Danny's overall package, I was NOT impressed with his performance last night. Bear in mind Kansas was probably my all time love for bands as a teen. In my opinion, Danny's performance wasn't even in the parking lot of the ball park and frankly, the last note (the most important) was idiotic at best. Sorry.
Adam was beyond amazing. How fortunate for him it was rock week right after his bottom two debacle. I like Allison's voice...but still don't know about her total package. Kris' performance was sad and I felt sorry for him. I do really like him as well but he was way too far out of his comfort zone last night and his attempt to fit in bordered on pathetic.
Here's the mind blower for all of you. Though I LOVE Danny's overall package, I was NOT impressed with his performance last night. Bear in mind Kansas was probably my all time love for bands as a teen. In my opinion, Danny's performance wasn't even in the parking lot of the ball park and frankly, the last note (the most important) was idiotic at best. Sorry.
Adam: No denying it.....this WAS Crow's shot to shine, and he DEFINITELY did....He was a complete and utter stun.....the song and the way he did it was ABSOLUTELY perfect...Here's where he most obviously belongs....the problem for me is the same....while there is "some" rock and roll music I like, some classic Beatles, Stones, and some others, MOST of it, I do NOT like....I won't listen to....and have a problem with....soooo, that coupled with his other obvious problems, I will never vote for Crow or want him to win (and I am thinking millions more of main stream America will be with me on this) having said that, he remains hands down the "best" or most talented singer, and will no doubt be a super star rather he wins or not....And even if Danny or someone else does win, I don't see any other "super" stars this year....
Allison: I thought as always she did REALLY well. I agree with everyone else on song choice though....I liked her performance, and as I dwelt on it, I ALWAYS look forward to hearing her song....I don't think she will go, but nothing shocks me...
Danny: Stun as always in every way....I really do love his voice too.....I agree though, that last high note was not right on....but don't think it matters...
Kris: Sucked lemons tonight, but then you kind of knew he would. This just was not him.....unfortunately for him, "this music" came at a BAD time, cuz he sooo stuck out this way as the weak link....But I guess truthfully compared to the other 3 he IS the weak link anyway.....My choice to go tonight....
We are close to my prediction weeks ago that Crow and Danny and Allison will be the final 3....then Crow and Danny, and I still think Danny has a good shot of pulling it off. But like I said, it doesn't really matter who wins here....Crow will be THE super star....and at the end of the day, who records and sells the most is the real winner....
Final prediction to go: Kris
Allison: I thought as always she did REALLY well. I agree with everyone else on song choice though....I liked her performance, and as I dwelt on it, I ALWAYS look forward to hearing her song....I don't think she will go, but nothing shocks me...
Danny: Stun as always in every way....I really do love his voice too.....I agree though, that last high note was not right on....but don't think it matters...
Kris: Sucked lemons tonight, but then you kind of knew he would. This just was not him.....unfortunately for him, "this music" came at a BAD time, cuz he sooo stuck out this way as the weak link....But I guess truthfully compared to the other 3 he IS the weak link anyway.....My choice to go tonight....
We are close to my prediction weeks ago that Crow and Danny and Allison will be the final 3....then Crow and Danny, and I still think Danny has a good shot of pulling it off. But like I said, it doesn't really matter who wins here....Crow will be THE super star....and at the end of the day, who records and sells the most is the real winner....
Final prediction to go: Kris
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I love Led Zeppelin and I could not imagine anyone, even Adam, attempting Robert Plant's voice. He was a STUN! I loved it! I totally agree, Chuck, on how good Slash's advice to him was. It made his performance perfect. I knew this was going to be Adam's night to shine and he did not disappoint. I really enjoyed Slash as the mentor. And I can not wait for Chris Daughtry tomorrow night!
I loved Danny! I thought he sounded great, as always! Scream at the end was disappointing, but not devastating.....
I thought Allison looked the best I have seen her and I thought her performance was entertaining. I really like her voice. I, agree, she should have chosen a different song.
Chris.......I think he just might be going home. Definitely the weakest link on the night.
They call it The Slash
I love Slash. This is possibly the first time I've ever been waiting on pins and needles to see idol. I just watched Crow do Whole Lotta Love, and it was pretty dang cool. At the beginning he sounded so much like Robert Plant I almost thought he had gone too far, but then he lost Plant and became Adam and it just kicked butt.
I've been saying all season long Adam is this generation's Axl Rose, in terms of how he sounds anyway, and this is the perfect week for him. I'm almost positive Slash is going to try to hire Crow to be the singer for Velvet Revolver. Mark my words, you heard it hear first.
And I was SO DANG GLAD AND HAPPY when Slash told him to stop beating the crap out of his upper register and concentrate a little more on the low notes, because I've been DYING, I'm using the word DYING, to say that to Adam all season long. Finally, someone said it. And coming from Slash, Adam seemed to take it to heart. If anyone knows how to make a voice like that sound cool its Slash.
I wasn't happy Alison chose Cry Baby. If you're going to sing Janis, A: you better not sound like Janis, or you'll suffer in comparison. Alison did, and Alison did. And B: You better sing a good Janis song, otherwise people are just going to be thinking, boy, she should have done Bobby McGee or Piece of my Heart. And that's what I was thinking the whole time. That said she sounded OK. I predict she goes home. She did fine but it's down to only four left and I think she's the weak link at this point. Still don't like her nose.
I don't know why they do these stupid numbers with the contestants in the middle of the show. In the 9 years American Idol has been on, I've never once enjoyed one of these little group numbers. Nine years, never once. Renegade? Gimme a break. Why don't they just sing the theme song for Who's the Boss and get it over with.
Chris stunk up the joint. No comment even needed. But I'll make one anyway. I don't know why he played his guitar, I could not hear a lick he played and it slowed him down. It's hard to sing and keep rhythm with an instrument at the same time if you don't have years of practice. Slash obviously thought the guy sucked and Slash was right.
Danny picked the right song. He did it well too. Sounded great, knocked it out of the park. I love that song, though it's beyond cliche at this point. An A performance all the way around but he can't win. Also, he missed the high note, which is the only vocally interesting thing about the song.
Winner: Crow
Going Home: Allison or Chris
I've been saying all season long Adam is this generation's Axl Rose, in terms of how he sounds anyway, and this is the perfect week for him. I'm almost positive Slash is going to try to hire Crow to be the singer for Velvet Revolver. Mark my words, you heard it hear first.
And I was SO DANG GLAD AND HAPPY when Slash told him to stop beating the crap out of his upper register and concentrate a little more on the low notes, because I've been DYING, I'm using the word DYING, to say that to Adam all season long. Finally, someone said it. And coming from Slash, Adam seemed to take it to heart. If anyone knows how to make a voice like that sound cool its Slash.
I wasn't happy Alison chose Cry Baby. If you're going to sing Janis, A: you better not sound like Janis, or you'll suffer in comparison. Alison did, and Alison did. And B: You better sing a good Janis song, otherwise people are just going to be thinking, boy, she should have done Bobby McGee or Piece of my Heart. And that's what I was thinking the whole time. That said she sounded OK. I predict she goes home. She did fine but it's down to only four left and I think she's the weak link at this point. Still don't like her nose.
I don't know why they do these stupid numbers with the contestants in the middle of the show. In the 9 years American Idol has been on, I've never once enjoyed one of these little group numbers. Nine years, never once. Renegade? Gimme a break. Why don't they just sing the theme song for Who's the Boss and get it over with.
Chris stunk up the joint. No comment even needed. But I'll make one anyway. I don't know why he played his guitar, I could not hear a lick he played and it slowed him down. It's hard to sing and keep rhythm with an instrument at the same time if you don't have years of practice. Slash obviously thought the guy sucked and Slash was right.
Danny picked the right song. He did it well too. Sounded great, knocked it out of the park. I love that song, though it's beyond cliche at this point. An A performance all the way around but he can't win. Also, he missed the high note, which is the only vocally interesting thing about the song.
Winner: Crow
Going Home: Allison or Chris
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Well, it appears as if most of America agreed with me and had Danny and Allison as the top two....they really were good. I have to admit though I was STUNNED to see Crow in the bottom two, though I certainly would have had him there last night...And Matt was pretty much a duck....Sooooo, I think from this point on, it will very much depend on how they do from show to show....and with Rock & Roll as the theme next week, I think old Crow will probably shoot back up....haha But then Allison will probably do well with that too and Danny can pretty much sing anything and his voice is kind of gravely and should fit good with that too. I would predict Kris not to do as well with that theme....I think before I even hear them, Kris will go next week, unless a fluke of some kind happens....I believe I said WEEKS ago, the top 3 would end up being, Danny, Crow and Allison.....but who knows right?? I STILL think Danny is going to take this... I found Crow annoying last night as he REALLY didn't seem to think "HE" was in the bottom 3. haha I think he was REALLY stunned when he was in the bottom 2...Oh well, he will probably double up his efforts next week, though with it being Rock & Roll I doubt we'll be spared one of his repetitious signature screams....haha
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Bye Bye Matt!
I have to say I REALLY enjoyed last nights' show....Everyone of those kids can REALLY sing in my opinion and I love the music from that era....All of them did a REALLY good job I thought, and there wasn't really even one I wasn't totally entertained on...Here is my order of who I liked last night...(though truthfully they were all sooo close they could easily be interchanged somewhere)
1. Danny....I felt he finally SOARED last night...I LOVED it....I have loved his voiced from his initial interview, and he has NEVER missed a note or had a bad night in my opinion, and he remains "my" pick to win the whole thing...Oh, and I agree with Simon, Jamie Fox may have got Danny to push past what he "wasn't" doing...
2. Allison.....Again, have really liked her voice from the very beginning. She remains a little grating, but nothing orbital. I LOVED the song she did and she did it really really well in my humble opinion....
3. Kris....loved that song, and loved the way he did it....still don't think he has a chance of winning though...
4. Matt....loved the song, and I thought he did it really really well. totally agreed with Simon....I think he has a good chance of being eliminated tonight however...
5. Crow....while he sang VERY VERY well, (he always does) I really didn't care all that much for the song he sang, or the way he did it....I personally am getting a little tired of the screaming way he sings (though again, he does it perfectly) and it seems to be all he ever really does. I had actually been looking forward to hearing him just "sing" last night which I thought he would have to do if he was going to do one of those songs, but I was wrong and therefore disappointed....AND he looked quite "puffy" in his white suit or something and don't know if it's what I know about him or what, he borderline repulsed me. He of course is in NO danger of being voted off tonight, even though he was my least favorite....I think it could be Matt or Kris, or possibly even Allison, as people have been really stupid about her in the past....I think my prediction will be Matt.....
1. Danny....I felt he finally SOARED last night...I LOVED it....I have loved his voiced from his initial interview, and he has NEVER missed a note or had a bad night in my opinion, and he remains "my" pick to win the whole thing...Oh, and I agree with Simon, Jamie Fox may have got Danny to push past what he "wasn't" doing...
2. Allison.....Again, have really liked her voice from the very beginning. She remains a little grating, but nothing orbital. I LOVED the song she did and she did it really really well in my humble opinion....
3. Kris....loved that song, and loved the way he did it....still don't think he has a chance of winning though...
4. Matt....loved the song, and I thought he did it really really well. totally agreed with Simon....I think he has a good chance of being eliminated tonight however...
5. Crow....while he sang VERY VERY well, (he always does) I really didn't care all that much for the song he sang, or the way he did it....I personally am getting a little tired of the screaming way he sings (though again, he does it perfectly) and it seems to be all he ever really does. I had actually been looking forward to hearing him just "sing" last night which I thought he would have to do if he was going to do one of those songs, but I was wrong and therefore disappointed....AND he looked quite "puffy" in his white suit or something and don't know if it's what I know about him or what, he borderline repulsed me. He of course is in NO danger of being voted off tonight, even though he was my least favorite....I think it could be Matt or Kris, or possibly even Allison, as people have been really stupid about her in the past....I think my prediction will be Matt.....
Friday, April 24, 2009
A bit late...where am I lately?
I LOVE David A!! He looks 10 but he sings amazing and he is the most adorable young man!
I agree with Allison however. It's as it always is with her...for whatever reason, people just don't seem to like her even though she's a stun. It's so weird.
I agree with Allison however. It's as it always is with her...for whatever reason, people just don't seem to like her even though she's a stun. It's so weird.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Pretty much what you would expect except of course for Allison...What was that?? All I could think of was if it was her, they had already wasted their "save" on Matt....haha Di on the rusty fork. He will go next week for sure. And I agree, Lil and Anoop went with some class....It's like I said, they can ALL sing, but who is a star?? I enjoyed David A from last year too. Though my goodness, he looks like he is 10....haha Anyway, 5 to go.....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My Feel on the Night
Kris - really good
Danny - stun voice. Performance and arrangement - nothing great
Adam - voice a stun. I agree with Chuck, performance - not orbital. Head - large
Allison - stun voice and performance good
Lil - not bad
Anoop - dead doggie
Matt - pointless save
Danny - stun voice. Performance and arrangement - nothing great
Adam - voice a stun. I agree with Chuck, performance - not orbital. Head - large
Allison - stun voice and performance good
Lil - not bad
Anoop - dead doggie
Matt - pointless save
In order of my picks
Adam - Stun.
Kris - Love him.
Danny - Really good. Needs a bit more originality.
Allison - Very good. A bit too rockerish for me.
Matt - Thought he did well. In his "zone" but just not my choice of songs.
Lil - Actually thought she did ok. The judges seemed WAY too hard on her.
Anoop - Always disliked the man. Still do.
Kris - Love him.
Danny - Really good. Needs a bit more originality.
Allison - Very good. A bit too rockerish for me.
Matt - Thought he did well. In his "zone" but just not my choice of songs.
Lil - Actually thought she did ok. The judges seemed WAY too hard on her.
Anoop - Always disliked the man. Still do.
MY TAKE......
Lil.....Done..surely the week she goes home
Kris.....Stun...really liked this one
Danny....Stun....agree on the sexy voice thing, but he is in danger I think of not winning...can't seem to soar over crow
Crow....Stun....no getting around it
Allison....Stun....I really like her voice
Matt.....Done....think this is it for him, if not this week, then next
Anoop....Done.....probably not this week, but sure the next, and MAYBE this week....
I kind of agree with Randy. I think they all are very good singers....very good....so it comes down to personal taste, music and style. That's why for me, Danny is my fav....
Kris.....Stun...really liked this one
Danny....Stun....agree on the sexy voice thing, but he is in danger I think of not winning...can't seem to soar over crow
Crow....Stun....no getting around it
Allison....Stun....I really like her voice
Matt.....Done....think this is it for him, if not this week, then next
Anoop....Done.....probably not this week, but sure the next, and MAYBE this week....
I kind of agree with Randy. I think they all are very good singers....very good....so it comes down to personal taste, music and style. That's why for me, Danny is my fav....
Kris: I enjoyed him tonight for the first time all season. He still can't win. One thing I didn't like. Dude, she worked HARD for the money. Not HOARD for the money. I hate when singers do that.
Youth pastor guy: I'm now convinced he can't wow me. He's good but not great, on his way out. Not this week, but soon.
Crow: Good singing, but underwhelming for the first time. Remember when I said a few weeks ago that the upper end of his middle register is really cool but in danger of being beaten to death? It's beaten to death. He needs to add a new dimension. I still say he wins. Breaking News: I've FINALLY figured out what it is about him that is ever so faintly repulsive. Its his head. It's too big. And you would'nt think so, but somehow the effect is repulsive.
Matt: Sang the best disco song of all time, and managed to make it suck. Go home.
Lil: Extra Large pooperoni pizza. Go home.
Noopdog: Not bad, but not good. The stench of failure is building, getting stronger every week. His time is short. The sharks are circling, there's blood in the water.
Allison: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Going home, Noop and Lil.
Youth pastor guy: I'm now convinced he can't wow me. He's good but not great, on his way out. Not this week, but soon.
Crow: Good singing, but underwhelming for the first time. Remember when I said a few weeks ago that the upper end of his middle register is really cool but in danger of being beaten to death? It's beaten to death. He needs to add a new dimension. I still say he wins. Breaking News: I've FINALLY figured out what it is about him that is ever so faintly repulsive. Its his head. It's too big. And you would'nt think so, but somehow the effect is repulsive.
Matt: Sang the best disco song of all time, and managed to make it suck. Go home.
Lil: Extra Large pooperoni pizza. Go home.
Noopdog: Not bad, but not good. The stench of failure is building, getting stronger every week. His time is short. The sharks are circling, there's blood in the water.
Allison: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Going home, Noop and Lil.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Just now watched the show
I stopped by the grocery store last night on the way home and by the time I got home and was all settled I didn't even watch the show. I heard this morning about the Matt "save", so I had to go out and watch it. As I have never really been a Matt fan in the first place, I didn't especially care if he was saved or not. I really think that Anoop or Lil should go first, but Matt has kind of choked the last couple of weeks. I agree with Simon that he will never win, so it seems in some ways why bother. The only ones I think should be saved are ones who might actually win. As far as Lil goes I don't hate her, I just really don't care. I have never seen her do anything that has ever impressed me. And I do find her constant whining, annoying. I must say I am surprised that she keeps going.
I guess it didn't matter to me one way or another if they saved Matt....now two will have to go next week anyway, and eventually they all will. I think Matt is pretty good too, and I have "liked" him all along, but at this point,(because every one left is really pretty good) there isn't really room for mistakes and missed notes, or stupid songs choices, and he had both this last week, and the week before....but I guess this way he gets another week to sing. The same thing for Lil...I will be pretty amazed if it isn't the two of them next week...It is soooo funny sometimes hearing how different people take the same thing...haha For instance, I saw nothing all that irritating about Anoops remarks. I mean Ryan came right out and asked him how he felt about being in the bottom 3 again and if he felt like he deserved to be there. What was he suppose to say, "Yes, I suck and here's where I belong?" He merely said, "Well, I "thought" I did pretty well, and I was encouraged by the judges remarks, but what difference does that make, they are not the ones voting." What's wrong with that?? I think Di hit the nail on the head with him when she said, he sings really well, but he is soooo limited. If he moves an inch out of his "ballad" mode, he is somewhat repulsive. And for some reason Lil doesn't bug me either...Again, I feel Ryan encourages them to SAY something, and do feel like Lil can't win with the judges NO MATTER what she sings or how she does it, and NO MATTER if she takes it all in or argues back...I saw nothing wrong with her song choice a few times when they ragged it to death. I see her as really frustrated, not annnoying.. I just don't think she is a consistent singer is the problem. Sometimes she hits the notes REALLY well, and the next just isn't that good. That's why she should go. But other than that, I look, really I do, as you all seem to hate her soooo much, but she just doesn't strike me one way or another....but then I thought everyone did pretty well this week, and everyone else thought it was a pretty weak week. haha Sooo, Lil, Matt, Anoop, and Kris I think will all go in the next few weeks I think baring a fluke or a really messed up performance by one of the top 3, and I am hoping Danny finds a way to change his consistently "GREAT" performances into a "WOW amazing beyond all belief" performances, or I am afraid he is going to be beat by the Crow, which is just sad, and I am afraid another indication (again I think you were sooo right Di) of where our whole country is really at now.....and the fact that sooooo many see nothing wrong with someone performing in such an immoral way (and that's leaving out gay and cross dressing) and in fact actually think that adds a bonus to his "feel" is just, like I said, sad....and I read soooo many comments to his disgusting video's etc., (so I could see how people felt about them) I was blown away by how many people LOVED them and thought they were GREAT, and expressive, and he was sexy and wonderful.....just sad.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I was SO happy!
I don't think he'll ever win....and his performance stunk, but I was really happy when they saved Matt. I do think he is very talented and I especially think Lil or Anoop should go first.
Was Anoop dead serious with pouting that he was in the bottom 3? "I just thought I did so well...and the judges were so encouraging..." So? America didn't vote for you Anoop...get over it!
And Lil!! If I have to listen to her explain herself one more time I'll flip out!!
Was Anoop dead serious with pouting that he was in the bottom 3? "I just thought I did so well...and the judges were so encouraging..." So? America didn't vote for you Anoop...get over it!
And Lil!! If I have to listen to her explain herself one more time I'll flip out!!
shut up LIL
why does lil feel the need to continually explain herself to the judges???
you SUCK. get over it and get out. No one else feels the need to explain themselves, they take the beating and shut about it. as u can tell im over her and want her out. if there was a way to vote AGAINST someone, i might pick up a phone and actually vote.
ALLISON- meah. Not into it. might be in bottom.
KRIS-stun. loved it.
DANNY-blahdi blah blah. wasnt impressed. really needs to step it up. however thought simons response to him singing the song, saying it wasnt that good but he "congradulated" him on singing it saying it obviously ment a lot to him. darling. simon shot to new levels.
APOOP-enough said.
ADAM-amazing. sure hes a psyco. however, he is an amazing singer and performer. most kids that vote for the show probably dont even know how to use youtube. lol.
and finally...MATT- i loved his song choice and honestly thought he didnt do that bad. def not his best, but i love him and love his voice. hope he will move on bc he is one of my favs but have a feeling he might be in the bottom. if not going home. guess this is why they say should probably vote?
you SUCK. get over it and get out. No one else feels the need to explain themselves, they take the beating and shut about it. as u can tell im over her and want her out. if there was a way to vote AGAINST someone, i might pick up a phone and actually vote.
ALLISON- meah. Not into it. might be in bottom.
KRIS-stun. loved it.
DANNY-blahdi blah blah. wasnt impressed. really needs to step it up. however thought simons response to him singing the song, saying it wasnt that good but he "congradulated" him on singing it saying it obviously ment a lot to him. darling. simon shot to new levels.
APOOP-enough said.
ADAM-amazing. sure hes a psyco. however, he is an amazing singer and performer. most kids that vote for the show probably dont even know how to use youtube. lol.
and finally...MATT- i loved his song choice and honestly thought he didnt do that bad. def not his best, but i love him and love his voice. hope he will move on bc he is one of my favs but have a feeling he might be in the bottom. if not going home. guess this is why they say should probably vote?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sorry Jack, Chucky's back!
The girl who sang Aerosmith did it pretty well. Big problem for her: The Nose. That's a big shnozz she's got, and it's costing her votes. Check it out next time you see her. She'll make it pretty far in the competition, but I smell trouble once she gets to the top three. Not nearly as well as she smells it, but clearly nonetheless.
The youth pastor was pretty good. He's yet to blow me away, but he's pretty good.
Crow, mixed feelings. He sang it pretty well. It's kind of hard to take him seriously singing an outlaw biker anthem after I saw him in a dress and high heels. Ok, so he's gay. Whatever. Elton John is gay and I love Elton John. But you wouldn't see EJ sing born to be wild. Sorry to say it, but once people know you're gay, certain songs are off limits. All that said, I still think he's the best singer of the lot and probably will win.
Lil, someone stick a fork in her, she's done.
Anoop dog, sang pretty well, didn't wow me. And I don't think he has a wow moment in him.
Guy at the piano, double turdburger, no lettuce no tomato.
That's all that stuck out. Lil and piano guy in the bottom two, with Lil going home. And don't let the door bump your butt on the way out.
The youth pastor was pretty good. He's yet to blow me away, but he's pretty good.
Crow, mixed feelings. He sang it pretty well. It's kind of hard to take him seriously singing an outlaw biker anthem after I saw him in a dress and high heels. Ok, so he's gay. Whatever. Elton John is gay and I love Elton John. But you wouldn't see EJ sing born to be wild. Sorry to say it, but once people know you're gay, certain songs are off limits. All that said, I still think he's the best singer of the lot and probably will win.
Lil, someone stick a fork in her, she's done.
Anoop dog, sang pretty well, didn't wow me. And I don't think he has a wow moment in him.
Guy at the piano, double turdburger, no lettuce no tomato.
That's all that stuck out. Lil and piano guy in the bottom two, with Lil going home. And don't let the door bump your butt on the way out.
My Take
Adam.....voice is a stun. No two ways about it. He is in orbit!
Danny.......I wanted him to soar into orbit so badly! I actually rewound it and watched it over in hopes that I had missed something. I didn't.....It just wasn't his best :( I still love him, but he needs to take it up several notches, which he is capable of doing. Go Danny!!!!!!
Kris........really liked it.
Matt......took over as the new deer in the headlights. He is in panic mode, and thus is trying too hard.
Allison..........major easy on doing Aerosmith.
Anoop....OK, but will be leaving soon, so is somewhat pointless
Lil........hopefully going home. She has sucked for too long.
Danny.......I wanted him to soar into orbit so badly! I actually rewound it and watched it over in hopes that I had missed something. I didn't.....It just wasn't his best :( I still love him, but he needs to take it up several notches, which he is capable of doing. Go Danny!!!!!!
Kris........really liked it.
Matt......took over as the new deer in the headlights. He is in panic mode, and thus is trying too hard.
Allison..........major easy on doing Aerosmith.
Anoop....OK, but will be leaving soon, so is somewhat pointless
Lil........hopefully going home. She has sucked for too long.
I think
Matt will probably go home though I wish Lil would. She REALLY bugs me.
Kris, love him.
I also really liked Danny tonight. I felt like slapping Simon.
Allison just didn't do it for me tonight. Maybe because no one can pull off an Aerosmith song but Aerosmith.
Gosh I cannot stand Anoop.
Kris, love him.
I also really liked Danny tonight. I felt like slapping Simon.
Allison just didn't do it for me tonight. Maybe because no one can pull off an Aerosmith song but Aerosmith.
Gosh I cannot stand Anoop.
Well, I think I can come close to summing up tonight's performances with a single word, followed by a quick comment....haha
Allison......STUN I love her voice and I love that song, she did it wonderously
Anoop........STUN He really does have a stunning voice and that was a good song
Crow.........STUN I will NEVER vote for him, but that was a complete stun
Danny........STUN I love him...his voice, his feel, everything...still my pick
Kris....VERY GOOD Weird song, but I actually liked it...his voice is great
Matt....VERY GOOD I love his voice, but he is floundering...trying too hard
Lil........ GOOD One of her best, but not good enough...she should go
Bottom line, they are all good singers in my opinion....it comes down to personal choice I guess. I honestly think Crow and Allison will make it REALLY big time...Crow probably before Allison cuz she is still young and needs to mature some. I think that is her problem. Just too young and kind of dumb. I can't bear for Crow too win. He is capable of doing normal things too of course (like in the videos you saw Di) but there is just too much deviate weird immoral things about him for me. However having said that, he is just such a stun singer....Danny I also think has a potential to be pretty big...those are the top 3 to me.....you see who my bottom 3 are......Kris, Matt and Lil.....I am pretty sure this will be Lil's week to go....and Anoop will probably hang in a while longer.....OK, that's it...
Allison......STUN I love her voice and I love that song, she did it wonderously
Anoop........STUN He really does have a stunning voice and that was a good song
Crow.........STUN I will NEVER vote for him, but that was a complete stun
Danny........STUN I love him...his voice, his feel, everything...still my pick
Kris....VERY GOOD Weird song, but I actually liked it...his voice is great
Matt....VERY GOOD I love his voice, but he is floundering...trying too hard
Lil........ GOOD One of her best, but not good enough...she should go
Bottom line, they are all good singers in my opinion....it comes down to personal choice I guess. I honestly think Crow and Allison will make it REALLY big time...Crow probably before Allison cuz she is still young and needs to mature some. I think that is her problem. Just too young and kind of dumb. I can't bear for Crow too win. He is capable of doing normal things too of course (like in the videos you saw Di) but there is just too much deviate weird immoral things about him for me. However having said that, he is just such a stun singer....Danny I also think has a potential to be pretty big...those are the top 3 to me.....you see who my bottom 3 are......Kris, Matt and Lil.....I am pretty sure this will be Lil's week to go....and Anoop will probably hang in a while longer.....OK, that's it...
I just saw some new videos of Adam that take a completely different feel than the others. In one, he is singing at the Kodak Theatre in a production with Val Kilmer, of the Ten Commandments. He is playing Joshua the slave and it is a stun. In the other one, he is singing Dust in the Wind and it also is quite good. They are on You Tube.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Obviously from the very beginning you got the sense that Adam was either gay, a cross dresser, or something "different"......well today I looked him up and saw a couple of videos that left little to the imagination. He is not only gay, but also a trans. (don't know how to spell it, but you get the idea)..... I also saw some sort of an interview, where he alludes to it as well, saying female lips were really not his first preference etc......Now for me, here is the thing....if he is gay, (while repulsive) that is one thing. But these videos were disgusting and trashy rather it was with guys or girls. Obviously, he has got a problem or two.....It's not that if he were to win and he is gay that is the end of the world, but that if he were to win, "what" kind of performances and actions would he be on??? If what I saw today was any indication, it would really be sad to have him as our American Idol......what are we saying, that trashy sexual homosexual actions and singing performances is what America is all about?? That "this" is our idol?? How sad...........He may have the best voice and be able to really perform and entertain, but at what cost??? There is just something "evil" about him I sensed in my spirit, and I am pretty sure this is it. There is probably a lot more that has not come out yet....I guess I am REALLY hoping now that he doesn't win as I just think that is sad....Obviously, he would hardly be the only gay, sexually explicit, totally immoral (you just would have to see a tiny bit of the videos to see this) yet highly successful singer/entertainer out there.....BUT how many of them have the American Idol title as well??? It would be like we had one of those rappers who scream out Mother F and cuss etc., while grabbing their crotches every other second. They are VERY successful, and some find them entertaining etc. , but they are hardly American Idols.... Well, now that I've seen this side of him as well, he is OUT for me......I am afraid he will tone down his "real" feel until he wins, then it will all come out.....Well, I guess that is all I have to say about this......I'm really hoping the majority of America can see through all this, but I have a horrible feeling, they probably won't.
My Adam Thoughts
I didn't watch the show the other night but I've since watched Adam's song.
I don't particularly like that song, I've always thought it was too melodramatic. And I thought Adam sitting there with the lights dimmed and a nondescript emotional pout on his face was just the height of melodrama and a perfect example of American Idol at its worst. When something with a plastic soul, like AI, tries to act like a human being it's doubly repulsive. It's very rare those kids can emote without coming off phony and repulsive. If giant digital tears started dripping down the big screens behind him, I wouldn't have been shocked. I practically expected to see Paula wiping her nose. I really hate when they try to sell anything more than pop. They're SO bad at it.
All that having been said, Adam is going to win and is the best singer of the lot by far this year, but it's not really saying much. I'd go buy a Tears for Fears concert ticket before I'd buy an Adam concert ticket, and I don't even like TFF. It's a weak year for Idol. Weak sauce all around.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Just to let you all know... I was literally bawling tonight. Now, I was already feeling kind of emotional the whole day, because I was working in the pre k and there was this little girl in there with a whole bunch of severe disabilities (including seizures, needless to say I've decided it's not really the place for me) and I was almost bawling every time I looked at her.
I just felt so bad for Scott. I agree it was his time to go, even though I think Lil or Anoop could have easily gone first, but it was just so sad. His "journey" video thing is was really got me. Poor Scott. I'm very sad. He was so cute on it though. I guess I'm handing over support to Adam or Danny now.
I just felt so bad for Scott. I agree it was his time to go, even though I think Lil or Anoop could have easily gone first, but it was just so sad. His "journey" video thing is was really got me. Poor Scott. I'm very sad. He was so cute on it though. I guess I'm handing over support to Adam or Danny now.
Adam is a STUN!
I finally got to see Adam's performance on the Internet. There was a big backlash because the show went over by 8 minutes last night and everyone who was taping missed Adam. As a result, they had it on the Internet. He was unbelievable! The man (?) is orbital!
My opinion...and yes it matters.
Actually, there's not much different from what everyone else said. I just felt like a dramatic title.
I've always liked Adam (refuse to call him crow) and with the exception of that one BIZARRE week, think he will win. Or at least should. His voice is unreal, and let's face it, he is an entertainer. I will admit that there is SOMETHING about him that makes you want to hold yourself in check. I can never quite put my finger on it but I'm sure it has something to do with the "artist" in him...
Danny is beyond lovable let's face it. And his voice is REALLY good. He'll do well whether he wins or not.
Allison...now here is a good question. It's funny, but last night before she started singing I made that comment to Paul that I LOVE her voice but just don't like her for absolutely NO reason! And that I couldn't understand why she was always in the bottom 3 when CLEARLY she buries some of the others (Lil, Scott, and Anoop) and then Simon said it...she isn't likable. What a sad thing for her!
Kris, love him, but his performances are too up and down.
Matt, incredible talent, just doesn't look good enough. Sad, but true.
Scott, REALLY sad last night. :(
Anoop...always hated him. Well hates a strong word. But always repulsed.
Lil...has got to go.
I've always liked Adam (refuse to call him crow) and with the exception of that one BIZARRE week, think he will win. Or at least should. His voice is unreal, and let's face it, he is an entertainer. I will admit that there is SOMETHING about him that makes you want to hold yourself in check. I can never quite put my finger on it but I'm sure it has something to do with the "artist" in him...
Danny is beyond lovable let's face it. And his voice is REALLY good. He'll do well whether he wins or not.
Allison...now here is a good question. It's funny, but last night before she started singing I made that comment to Paul that I LOVE her voice but just don't like her for absolutely NO reason! And that I couldn't understand why she was always in the bottom 3 when CLEARLY she buries some of the others (Lil, Scott, and Anoop) and then Simon said it...she isn't likable. What a sad thing for her!
Kris, love him, but his performances are too up and down.
Matt, incredible talent, just doesn't look good enough. Sad, but true.
Scott, REALLY sad last night. :(
Anoop...always hated him. Well hates a strong word. But always repulsed.
Lil...has got to go.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I am not sure what happened, but my DVR somehow cut off the very end and I did not see Adam. I could literally flip out! Why couldn't it have been on Lil or one of the other fillers? And now, of course, I see that he was a stun and I will have to wait until tomorrow to even see a clip of him.
Danny.....Loved him and everything about his performance tonight.
Alison...I thought she was a stun, if I was not looking at her. She dresses weird and I don't especially like her, but I love to hear her sing a song and I guess in the long run, that is the whole point.
Matt...Really good, but ever since Chuck's description of him last week, he just looks weak to me. In his dreams, he is Justin Timberlake. If you really squint and kinda plug your ears, maybe on a force.....
Anoop.. Deb's description is perfect, nothing else to say.
Scott...Sorry, Jess and Mel he seems sadly out of place now.
Kris....not feeling it at all
Lil..........bye bye!!
Danny.....Loved him and everything about his performance tonight.
Alison...I thought she was a stun, if I was not looking at her. She dresses weird and I don't especially like her, but I love to hear her sing a song and I guess in the long run, that is the whole point.
Matt...Really good, but ever since Chuck's description of him last week, he just looks weak to me. In his dreams, he is Justin Timberlake. If you really squint and kinda plug your ears, maybe on a force.....
Anoop.. Deb's description is perfect, nothing else to say.
Scott...Sorry, Jess and Mel he seems sadly out of place now.
Kris....not feeling it at all
Lil..........bye bye!!
Adam...I don't "want" to like him, and yet I can't seem to stop myself. He is just flat out a stun....but he is such a weird guy, I just don't know if he's American Idol...However there is NO denying his voice is orbital...and his performances ALWAYS entertain, even the REALLY weird one where he did the Johnny Cash song....horrifying, but still entertaining..
Danny...love him.....he remains a true stun...voice, personality and "feel"...STILL my pick to win...
Matt....REALLY good tonight...REALLY GOOD... and yet, I am with Mel. VERY Justin Timberlakeish and there is just one Justin...so, I don't think he can win.
Allison, is really really REALLY good. Could win if she wasn't what Simon said...unlikable. I wonder if it's fixable. Let's face it though, if you couldn't "see" her annoying face, (it is quite punchable Mel) and she didn't talk, I REALLY like her voice. I don't think she will win...
Kris....he was repulsive to me tonight, not sure why...didn't like a thing about him..
Anoop....I'm over him....voice good, but he can't win so he might as well get off. He can sing definitely, but only ballads..every time he speeds it up or trys to be sexy, you want to barf...
Scott....nice guy, but I am over him too...sorry Mel....He's OK, but I don't think so...
Lil...it's over, I am sure she will go home tomorrow....she can sing, but she went into the dreaded deer in the headlights and NEVER recovered....
And this is the order in how I thought they did tonight...so my bottom 3 are Anoop, Scott and Lil....or it might be Kris instead of Anoop, they are easily interchangeable...and I think Lil will go....she did look good tonight though I thought too....Why must Crow be sooo weird....I think he might be gay and possibly a cross dresser....and i am with John, there is "something" vaguely puffy or mildly beefy, or somewhat chuncky or something, it's distracting...
Danny...love him.....he remains a true stun...voice, personality and "feel"...STILL my pick to win...
Matt....REALLY good tonight...REALLY GOOD... and yet, I am with Mel. VERY Justin Timberlakeish and there is just one Justin...so, I don't think he can win.
Allison, is really really REALLY good. Could win if she wasn't what Simon said...unlikable. I wonder if it's fixable. Let's face it though, if you couldn't "see" her annoying face, (it is quite punchable Mel) and she didn't talk, I REALLY like her voice. I don't think she will win...
Kris....he was repulsive to me tonight, not sure why...didn't like a thing about him..
Anoop....I'm over him....voice good, but he can't win so he might as well get off. He can sing definitely, but only ballads..every time he speeds it up or trys to be sexy, you want to barf...
Scott....nice guy, but I am over him too...sorry Mel....He's OK, but I don't think so...
Lil...it's over, I am sure she will go home tomorrow....she can sing, but she went into the dreaded deer in the headlights and NEVER recovered....
And this is the order in how I thought they did tonight...so my bottom 3 are Anoop, Scott and Lil....or it might be Kris instead of Anoop, they are easily interchangeable...and I think Lil will go....she did look good tonight though I thought too....Why must Crow be sooo weird....I think he might be gay and possibly a cross dresser....and i am with John, there is "something" vaguely puffy or mildly beefy, or somewhat chuncky or something, it's distracting...
Here's what I've decided about this season. I don't love any of them. I think they are all talented, some more than others, but I just don't see an "American Idol" in any of them. Anyway...
Adam: Clearly the best one. He's unique and can pull off just about anything. I enjoyed his performance. I predict he wins the whole thing.
Matt: Also good. I liked it. But tonight he reminded me that he is kinda like Justin Timberlake, but less attractive and not quite as talented.
Anoop: He has a very pretty voice. Needs to stick with songs that show off his voice, because he becomes repulsive when he tries to be cool or sexy. Lets face it Anoop, with eyes that close together and brows that large, sexy or cool aint ever gonna happen. Good job tonight though.
Allison: She has a good voice and did well tonight. But.. you know those people in your life who have a face that you just want to punch? Allison is that person for me.
Kris: Boring. Forgetable. And is his mouth thing getting worse, or is it just me?
Scott: I'm very sad. He did not do well tonight. I agree with Simon... get back behind the piano. He struggled with the high notes... just not good. I still love him though.
Danny: I thought he did very well. He really showed off his voice tonight and it was dang good. If Adam doesn't win, Danny will.
Lil: She looked a million times better tonight. I didn't hate her performance as much as the judges did... it did sound "karaoke".. but like someone I'd stop and listen to and think, that girl's really good. But she'll never win.
Adam: Clearly the best one. He's unique and can pull off just about anything. I enjoyed his performance. I predict he wins the whole thing.
Matt: Also good. I liked it. But tonight he reminded me that he is kinda like Justin Timberlake, but less attractive and not quite as talented.
Anoop: He has a very pretty voice. Needs to stick with songs that show off his voice, because he becomes repulsive when he tries to be cool or sexy. Lets face it Anoop, with eyes that close together and brows that large, sexy or cool aint ever gonna happen. Good job tonight though.
Allison: She has a good voice and did well tonight. But.. you know those people in your life who have a face that you just want to punch? Allison is that person for me.
Kris: Boring. Forgetable. And is his mouth thing getting worse, or is it just me?
Scott: I'm very sad. He did not do well tonight. I agree with Simon... get back behind the piano. He struggled with the high notes... just not good. I still love him though.
Danny: I thought he did very well. He really showed off his voice tonight and it was dang good. If Adam doesn't win, Danny will.
Lil: She looked a million times better tonight. I didn't hate her performance as much as the judges did... it did sound "karaoke".. but like someone I'd stop and listen to and think, that girl's really good. But she'll never win.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A night of justice
Oh my gosh...I was soooo happy when Megan went. And yes, she was acting BIZARRE. I think it was because she was trying so hard to act like she knew it was coming and didn't care when she obviously did. Who wouldn't? Regardless, she is one of the MOST annoying contestants EVER. So rude and sure of herself when she really shouldn't have been.
And I'm sorry, but WHAT was that GaGa lady? I'll assume she's pretty popular since the crowd went wild, but SHE was beyond bizarre. That little twitchy gyration at the end was easily one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. I was literally roaring. And then the close up of her face with the zipper over her eye and I went into orbit laughing. I guess I am REALLY getting old cause it actually annoyed me that kids would think she was something....
I'm real perky on who's left. I personally think Lil should have been in the bottom 3 but....we'll see what next week brings.
And I'm sorry, but WHAT was that GaGa lady? I'll assume she's pretty popular since the crowd went wild, but SHE was beyond bizarre. That little twitchy gyration at the end was easily one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. I was literally roaring. And then the close up of her face with the zipper over her eye and I went into orbit laughing. I guess I am REALLY getting old cause it actually annoyed me that kids would think she was something....
I'm real perky on who's left. I personally think Lil should have been in the bottom 3 but....we'll see what next week brings.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
WHAT was that?? She is a very weird girl is about the nicest thing you can say....I guess I am still shocked that they actually sent the worst one home....ANYWAY....so much for that...David Cook sounded like a stun to me, I'm half tempted to buy his album...and Lady GA GA or whatever her name is, was very bizarre as well. What is with these people?? Well, I am glad Megan is finally gone.....Anoop is next..
Caw!! Caw!!! Bye Meagan!
Did the show steal the crow thing from us and decide they should all be birds? What was that?
Well that was just bizarre. Has Meagan always been that crazy, or was it just tonight? Seriously, was she on something? She was obv really happy to be going home, missed her kid or something? Probably an act since she knew she was going home. That exaggerated, weird look on her face as they were voting her off was almost frightening. She made an ass out of herself. Gotta love Simon... "you don't care, and neither do we." hahaha. I was surprised Allison was in the bottom 3... Lil shoulda been there.
Side note.... was Lady Gaga DEAD serious wearing a ZIPPER over her left eye???
Well that was just bizarre. Has Meagan always been that crazy, or was it just tonight? Seriously, was she on something? She was obv really happy to be going home, missed her kid or something? Probably an act since she knew she was going home. That exaggerated, weird look on her face as they were voting her off was almost frightening. She made an ass out of herself. Gotta love Simon... "you don't care, and neither do we." hahaha. I was surprised Allison was in the bottom 3... Lil shoulda been there.
Side note.... was Lady Gaga DEAD serious wearing a ZIPPER over her left eye???
a little late but worth the wait.
my predictions for the bottom three...(or atleast who it SHOULD be...)
1. M E G A N! she SUCKS. i get her amy whinehouse feel but im NOT into it. the song choice SUCKED. bob marley? really? and yeah shes good, but shes annoying. her "fans" are dorks just like her. she needs to go. bad. am with both mel and deb, if she makes it through again, i might not be able to watch.
2. Anoop- one word...EYEBROWS.....wax them. repulsive.
3.Lil- i agree on the butt comments. and sorry, but a celine dion choice was assinine. what part of "sing an R&B song" didnt ya get?
now my favs....
ADAM- STUN STUN STUN. LOVED it. different and very entertaining.
DANNY- AMAZING. Had chills as well, LOVE HIM. Rascal was a little risky tho
MATT- i thought the judges were waaaay too harsh. to be quite honest, i liked the song choice. however, he didnt sing it all that well. As they told him he should be singing Justin Songs, or things like "apologize," i DIDNT agree, i thought the fray and coldplay is his "feel".
SCOTT- I am with Mel. LOVED IT. hes so darling I almost cant take it, and might have a vote coming out on him. Thought he did very well with the song, however, definetly not the best singer.
Kris- went up about 10 notches in my books.
red spikes- blah blah blah.
and on one other note. is paula DEAD serious with her outfit choices lately? HOT pink, Bubbles, HUGE bows....what are you 13?
Well, in spite of myself I REALLY liked Crow last night. I LOVE his voice...wish I didn't, but I do. And he was just downright totally entertaining last night. Still don't think he will win, but he was my choice for best of the night.
Next best performance of the night for me was Chris....however I agree with Mel on the mouth thing...last night his mouth was hidden alot by the mic so that helped. haha. He will never win.
Danny ran a very close second to Chris for me last night. I LOVE him....his voice is ALWAYS a stun, he is ALWAYS classy, and I just like EVERYTHING about him. I soooo love Rascal Flat it would be hard for anyone to compete with their version, and Danny just wasn't as good. I think if I didn't know the song so well I would have probably loved Danny more last night. He remains my pick to win.
Scott was fourth. I agree with Mel in that he is definitely one of the most likable guys on there, but voice wise he is just not entertaining enough for me. He did REALLY well last night though.
Allison ALWAYS sings well. ALWAYS....and I love the sound of her voice. But she is too young, and so annoying I've yet to not want to slap her and her outift last night was ridiculous. But it did go with her age. goo goo
Matt, I still really like him and is right up at the top of my first three picks to win. However the song last night was weird and I didn't like it. Though personally I thought the judges were overboard on how bad it was. His voice is REALLY good. he needs to stick with "HIS" feel.
Lil, she has just not been doing it for me for a while. Her voice is good, but she has the definite "deer in the headlight" syndrome going which is always a death sentence...she could easily go soon....and while I certainly have no room to talk, the butt is WAY too big for the tight dresses she insists on wearing...
Anoop, has now repulsed me and it is over for him in my book. His voice is VERY VERY good....But he is cocky, and annoying and whenever he "TRIES" to be sexy, it is just a joke in my book. I've found it kind of funny in the past, tonight it shot to repulsive. He is in BIG danger tonight I think.
Megan.....what can I say......she is HORRID......I don't think she can sing even a little bit.....she is conceited..."my fans will vote for me, hee hee"....that tatoo is sooooo horrid it ruins all of her outfits....WHO and I'll repeat WHO is voting for her?? She should be LONG gone. If she is not off tonight, I'm with Mel, watching her next week may make me shut it off, at least during her performance....worst of the night by far....GO HOME......
And that is my order of how I like them....haha I should have gone on last night as I am just an after thought now. haha Oh, and I agree the audience is annoying on the boo's....it's old...get something else or shut up...
Next best performance of the night for me was Chris....however I agree with Mel on the mouth thing...last night his mouth was hidden alot by the mic so that helped. haha. He will never win.
Danny ran a very close second to Chris for me last night. I LOVE him....his voice is ALWAYS a stun, he is ALWAYS classy, and I just like EVERYTHING about him. I soooo love Rascal Flat it would be hard for anyone to compete with their version, and Danny just wasn't as good. I think if I didn't know the song so well I would have probably loved Danny more last night. He remains my pick to win.
Scott was fourth. I agree with Mel in that he is definitely one of the most likable guys on there, but voice wise he is just not entertaining enough for me. He did REALLY well last night though.
Allison ALWAYS sings well. ALWAYS....and I love the sound of her voice. But she is too young, and so annoying I've yet to not want to slap her and her outift last night was ridiculous. But it did go with her age. goo goo
Matt, I still really like him and is right up at the top of my first three picks to win. However the song last night was weird and I didn't like it. Though personally I thought the judges were overboard on how bad it was. His voice is REALLY good. he needs to stick with "HIS" feel.
Lil, she has just not been doing it for me for a while. Her voice is good, but she has the definite "deer in the headlight" syndrome going which is always a death sentence...she could easily go soon....and while I certainly have no room to talk, the butt is WAY too big for the tight dresses she insists on wearing...
Anoop, has now repulsed me and it is over for him in my book. His voice is VERY VERY good....But he is cocky, and annoying and whenever he "TRIES" to be sexy, it is just a joke in my book. I've found it kind of funny in the past, tonight it shot to repulsive. He is in BIG danger tonight I think.
Megan.....what can I say......she is HORRID......I don't think she can sing even a little bit.....she is conceited..."my fans will vote for me, hee hee"....that tatoo is sooooo horrid it ruins all of her outfits....WHO and I'll repeat WHO is voting for her?? She should be LONG gone. If she is not off tonight, I'm with Mel, watching her next week may make me shut it off, at least during her performance....worst of the night by far....GO HOME......
And that is my order of how I like them....haha I should have gone on last night as I am just an after thought now. haha Oh, and I agree the audience is annoying on the boo's....it's old...get something else or shut up...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Song on my nerves
Maybe I am just tired, but the five notes of this song pulsating over and over is making me want to slap someone.
The competition gets heated.
You know, I was really pleasantly surprised tonight. There are actually a few contenders. Adam, Kris, Danny and Alison (based on tonight's performance)
Like them...but won't win....Scott, Matt.
Bottom three:
Megan-HATE her. She is beautiful (which is why she's still here) but I hate the way she twitters her voice, the songs all sound the same, and I cannot tolerate the way she twitches on stage (what is that?)
Lil-Can sing...the high notes...but overall, too desperate, too big of a butt, WHY does she continue to wear clothes that over emphasize it?
Anoop-Repulsive. Repulsive. Repulsive.
Like them...but won't win....Scott, Matt.
Bottom three:
Megan-HATE her. She is beautiful (which is why she's still here) but I hate the way she twitters her voice, the songs all sound the same, and I cannot tolerate the way she twitches on stage (what is that?)
Lil-Can sing...the high notes...but overall, too desperate, too big of a butt, WHY does she continue to wear clothes that over emphasize it?
Anoop-Repulsive. Repulsive. Repulsive.
My Take
Scott - A stun! He really found his "feel". I love the song and the way Billy Joel does it and I felt Scott pulled it off wonderfully!
Matt - :( trying too hard and acted mildly fartish when criticised
Lil - nothing great and no on the dress
Adam - I can't believe it, but the repulsion may have faded. He is incredibly talented. Not only is his voice unbelievable, but he is a stun performer, too.
Kris - I love that song. For the first time I REALLY liked him.
Red hair girl - ...........no
Danny - Love him!
Anoop - ehh.....
Megan - Bye Bye!
Matt - :( trying too hard and acted mildly fartish when criticised
Lil - nothing great and no on the dress
Adam - I can't believe it, but the repulsion may have faded. He is incredibly talented. Not only is his voice unbelievable, but he is a stun performer, too.
Kris - I love that song. For the first time I REALLY liked him.
Red hair girl - ...........no
Danny - Love him!
Anoop - ehh.....
Megan - Bye Bye!
Chuck's Breakdown
Not all of them are even worth commenting on. I'm in a foul mood, which could pepper my judgements.
Megan: She's nowhere near as bad as you all think. She's Amy Winehouseish and I kind of like her. She can't win, but neither could alot of people that are already stars.
Allison: I love that song, Don't Speak, so I was kind of on board. I thought her outfit was stupid, but frankly I think almost everyone's outfit is stupid. Simon dresses better than any of the singers, IMHO.
Scott: Billy Joel is one of my all time favorites. So I was excited to hear the song. I didn't like this performance. He did it too sugary. With that song it's not supposed to be about the romance, its supposed to be about the yearning. When you listen to Billy sing it, it's like he's singing it to a brick wall in an empty bar, like he's lonely but hopeful. Scott was singing it straight to the girl. I thought he missed the point. Too pretty. One of my big qualms with American Idol people is that they're invariably too plastic and phoney, like they make it all a formula and try to get just the right mix. Too pop. Madonna can be a totally manufactured pop star without coming off like a poser. Very few AI people can do that. Scott can kind of sing, so what. He doesn't play the piano all that well, to me he's is so-so. Ho hum. Yawn.
Matt: That song is a crap sandwhich. And we all had to take a bite. You know what's funny, when I see a male pop star who looks like he'd burst into tears if you punched him in the gut, I find it repulsive beyond measure. Try to at least pretend to be a man. His sweater looked like it might have leather patches on the elbows. Could need to vomit.
Lil: Crap. Ass too large. (You need a pretty, feminine face to pull off a big ass.)
Crow: By far the best of the lot. Still haven't fully recovered from the Johnny Cash incident. The upper part of his falsetto is pretty cool, but he's in danger of beating it to death. Don't mind his outfits, but has anyone else noticed he dresses like a skinny guy even though he has a mild pudge about him? That could be the reason for his ever so mild and difficult-to-pin-down whiff of repulsiveness. He'll probably win.
Megan: She's nowhere near as bad as you all think. She's Amy Winehouseish and I kind of like her. She can't win, but neither could alot of people that are already stars.
Allison: I love that song, Don't Speak, so I was kind of on board. I thought her outfit was stupid, but frankly I think almost everyone's outfit is stupid. Simon dresses better than any of the singers, IMHO.
Scott: Billy Joel is one of my all time favorites. So I was excited to hear the song. I didn't like this performance. He did it too sugary. With that song it's not supposed to be about the romance, its supposed to be about the yearning. When you listen to Billy sing it, it's like he's singing it to a brick wall in an empty bar, like he's lonely but hopeful. Scott was singing it straight to the girl. I thought he missed the point. Too pretty. One of my big qualms with American Idol people is that they're invariably too plastic and phoney, like they make it all a formula and try to get just the right mix. Too pop. Madonna can be a totally manufactured pop star without coming off like a poser. Very few AI people can do that. Scott can kind of sing, so what. He doesn't play the piano all that well, to me he's is so-so. Ho hum. Yawn.
Matt: That song is a crap sandwhich. And we all had to take a bite. You know what's funny, when I see a male pop star who looks like he'd burst into tears if you punched him in the gut, I find it repulsive beyond measure. Try to at least pretend to be a man. His sweater looked like it might have leather patches on the elbows. Could need to vomit.
Lil: Crap. Ass too large. (You need a pretty, feminine face to pull off a big ass.)
Crow: By far the best of the lot. Still haven't fully recovered from the Johnny Cash incident. The upper part of his falsetto is pretty cool, but he's in danger of beating it to death. Don't mind his outfits, but has anyone else noticed he dresses like a skinny guy even though he has a mild pudge about him? That could be the reason for his ever so mild and difficult-to-pin-down whiff of repulsiveness. He'll probably win.
My new fave, the one I hope wins and believe deserves to win.... SCOTT. I love him, I think he's extremely talented, and I want to hear more from him!
Anoop: I have been such a big Anoop fan, but I gotta admit, I was repulsed during this. It was just not good. At all. Bottom 3.
Maegan: Please get off my TV. If she doesn't go home next, I don't even think I can watch anymore.
Scott: See above. I LOVE HIM!!! Not only was I entertained and impressed, I just love his face. I want to hug him.
Allison: What are you wearing???!!? It was horrid. Nice song choice, it suited her. But she didn't pull it off all that well, and again, I kinda wanted to smack her. Not sure why.
Lil: She has a very good voice... wasn't feeling the song, or her tight dress.
Danny: He's good. Liked it and like him. Didn't do it as well as Rascal Flatts, but I still liked it.
Matt: For the first time, I just really didn't like it. Seemed almost like he was trying too hard? I don't know, it just didn't settle well with me. He's very talented though. Needs to pick it back up next week.
Adam: Wow, what a weird song choice. I was actually quite entertained though, and I thought he did a good job with it. Very unique. I still like him. Super weird though.
Kris: Actually did a really good job, but I can't get over his weird mouth movements.
Also, is anyone else getting annoyed with the crowd?? I want to hear what the judges have to say, I don't want to listen to you boo every other second. SHUT UP AND LET THEM TALK!
In conclusion, Scott has my vote from here on out. I would actually be pretty surprised if he won, but he's my favorite so I am giving him my total support. And Maegan really needs to go home.
Anoop: I have been such a big Anoop fan, but I gotta admit, I was repulsed during this. It was just not good. At all. Bottom 3.
Maegan: Please get off my TV. If she doesn't go home next, I don't even think I can watch anymore.
Scott: See above. I LOVE HIM!!! Not only was I entertained and impressed, I just love his face. I want to hug him.
Allison: What are you wearing???!!? It was horrid. Nice song choice, it suited her. But she didn't pull it off all that well, and again, I kinda wanted to smack her. Not sure why.
Lil: She has a very good voice... wasn't feeling the song, or her tight dress.
Danny: He's good. Liked it and like him. Didn't do it as well as Rascal Flatts, but I still liked it.
Matt: For the first time, I just really didn't like it. Seemed almost like he was trying too hard? I don't know, it just didn't settle well with me. He's very talented though. Needs to pick it back up next week.
Adam: Wow, what a weird song choice. I was actually quite entertained though, and I thought he did a good job with it. Very unique. I still like him. Super weird though.
Kris: Actually did a really good job, but I can't get over his weird mouth movements.
Also, is anyone else getting annoyed with the crowd?? I want to hear what the judges have to say, I don't want to listen to you boo every other second. SHUT UP AND LET THEM TALK!
In conclusion, Scott has my vote from here on out. I would actually be pretty surprised if he won, but he's my favorite so I am giving him my total support. And Maegan really needs to go home.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I was just thinking, I wouldn't be surprised if every week they deliberately put someone in the bottom 3 who they KNOW everyone will find shocking....aka: Matt this week, and Allison the week before...that way everyone is sure to vote for their favorites so we don't have another Daughtry....plus it keeps everyone watching the elimination show cuz something weird might happen rather than just finding out the next day who is off....just a thought...there is NO other explanation for Matt..haha
I always end up some what annoyed over some one hanging on....this year it is Megan..I didn't think she belonged in the top 36 and she is STILL on and for the limit not even in the bottom 3 last night....How could that be?? Over half of her notes were WAY off....she looked like a stun though...I ended up feeling sorry for both Michael and Matt. Matt being there was orbital. I bet they would have saved him. The audience and the judges acted shocked. But then Michael is such a nice guy. He has been from the beginning, and he can sing....Megan should have left in front of him and now I wonder how long she will hang on....Oh well, Michael is gone, and he couldn't have won anyway...surely next week we will punt "blinky"...haha
Thursday, March 26, 2009
What in the World..........
What in the world was Matt And Scott in the bottom three? It was really sad on Scott as he looked lost. Even Ryan could not take it and only had him bucked for a second and then sent him back to his seat. And the ULTIMATE annoyance was Megan blinking around like she has a point. I really felt sorry for Michael tonight. They drug it out and made it seem like he was going to get a chance and then BAM! If they were sending him home just say it, don't milk it.
Matt-AMAZING.i loved how he got up from the paino and worked the crowd. was quite good. probably one of the best of the night.
Kris(AKA Mr. FORGETTABLE) i dont know why but im just NOT that into it. Always a quitar, always BORING. has a good voice and is kinda cute, but nah.
Megan- As she is a STUN, she just isnt as good as a singer as the rest, however they had her under a bus and rolled numerous times, i didnt think she was THAT horrible. she looked like she was about to bawl.
Danny- was good, but def not the best of the night. was cute as he tried to get everyone going, but did anyone notice he DIDNT listen to smokey about singing the background singers parts as well??? kinda tippish if u ask me...but i still love him
Blind man- i love him, and u could tell he was trying to had an up tempo feel and it was kinda hard for him, dont think he will win but i do like him
Adam- STUN STUN STUN. i loved his whole feel. I like how he slowed the song down and made it his own and yet i loved how he dressed up and represented the era. his voice is so good and how he held that pitch at the end was just amazing. should def be in the top 3
Lil- ANNOYING. screaming yelling song. NOT into and NOT into her new weird hair wig. get it OFF. its HORRID
Anoop- ALSO, VERY good. Kinda slow and needs to pick it back up but all in all i think it shows that he DOES have a GOOD voice. HOWVER, his hairstyle needs some work...maybe american idol can hire me to help him out. ha
Red hair- probably my FAVORITE performance of the night. what a STUN voice, and shes only 16! good performer. Im into it.
And i think the oil driller drilled himself right outta this season with that lame excuse of a performance. nice try.
Kris(AKA Mr. FORGETTABLE) i dont know why but im just NOT that into it. Always a quitar, always BORING. has a good voice and is kinda cute, but nah.
Megan- As she is a STUN, she just isnt as good as a singer as the rest, however they had her under a bus and rolled numerous times, i didnt think she was THAT horrible. she looked like she was about to bawl.
Danny- was good, but def not the best of the night. was cute as he tried to get everyone going, but did anyone notice he DIDNT listen to smokey about singing the background singers parts as well??? kinda tippish if u ask me...but i still love him
Blind man- i love him, and u could tell he was trying to had an up tempo feel and it was kinda hard for him, dont think he will win but i do like him
Adam- STUN STUN STUN. i loved his whole feel. I like how he slowed the song down and made it his own and yet i loved how he dressed up and represented the era. his voice is so good and how he held that pitch at the end was just amazing. should def be in the top 3
Lil- ANNOYING. screaming yelling song. NOT into and NOT into her new weird hair wig. get it OFF. its HORRID
Anoop- ALSO, VERY good. Kinda slow and needs to pick it back up but all in all i think it shows that he DOES have a GOOD voice. HOWVER, his hairstyle needs some work...maybe american idol can hire me to help him out. ha
Red hair- probably my FAVORITE performance of the night. what a STUN voice, and shes only 16! good performer. Im into it.
And i think the oil driller drilled himself right outta this season with that lame excuse of a performance. nice try.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Ratings
Danny - Loved him!
Adam - As I said, he has gone to possible repulsion for me, so my judgment is clouded. I felt he was trying to prove he can do everything and I personally was not that impressed. He's too theatrical and really is rubbing me the wrong way. I'm not sure if I can come back ....I might have no choice, because his voice is a STUN and I guess that really is the point here. LOL
Matt - I thought it might have been his best performance. STUN!
Kris - good....but will never win or come close
Anoop - not as good as last week. I felt it was a little "pitchy".
Lil - too screechy and trying WAY too hard
Allison - Stun. Looks like the scare might have been a good thing for her.
Scott - enjoyable, but nothing great
Megan - looks can only get you so far and she is there........it's over! She was literally shrill and unbearable.
Michael - bye-bye!
Adam - As I said, he has gone to possible repulsion for me, so my judgment is clouded. I felt he was trying to prove he can do everything and I personally was not that impressed. He's too theatrical and really is rubbing me the wrong way. I'm not sure if I can come back ....I might have no choice, because his voice is a STUN and I guess that really is the point here. LOL
Matt - I thought it might have been his best performance. STUN!
Kris - good....but will never win or come close
Anoop - not as good as last week. I felt it was a little "pitchy".
Lil - too screechy and trying WAY too hard
Allison - Stun. Looks like the scare might have been a good thing for her.
Scott - enjoyable, but nothing great
Megan - looks can only get you so far and she is there........it's over! She was literally shrill and unbearable.
Michael - bye-bye!
CAN'T DECIDE.........
Here's what I am thinking on tonights show.....first of all, due to some TV error, I missed Matt's performance and it wasn't taped, soooo all I have to go on there is the little bit that is showed at the end and from that little bit he looked like a stun...other than that, I did not feel Crow's performance was the best of the nights like they all said. It was good, and he obviously did a 380 from last week which let's face it, he knew he needed to do. However, I am still not sure of him at all. His voice is a stun however....I liked Scotts, and quite frankly the red haired girl....what is her name?? she is really good....she wasn't nearly as obnoxious tonight as she usually is, so maybe last weeks bottom 3 thing has toned her down a peg...Anoop has a stun voice, but you just know he won't win. I also thought Danny was as good as always....I think he is going to go orbital eventually, but as of yet he has not....Lil is good, but I didn't think she was real good tonight...a little too amped or something. Megan sucked eggs and should go, but it will probably be Michael. Definitely the bottom two in my opinion....guess that's it..
Thursday, March 19, 2009
First of all, I'm glad Mel figured out a way to be heard....haha....however, I can't take your computer not working...I could practically drive out there myself (with dad of course) and fix it, not that it would do any good at all cuz it's obviously the connection, not the computer...but I've got a LARGE mouth and I'd kick and scream till someone did something...I've also considered just buying you a new computer, but I don't think that would cut it either....anyway....Brad Paisly is in ORBIT....I love him...and I guess I've been out of it listening to the radio station that I've got going, cuz I've never heard that song, but what a stunner....I loved it...and Carrie, oh my goodness, she is in such a league by herself. Her voice is soooo good. And the song was in my head all night long. Every time I woke up I could hear it going through my head...and the first thing this morning too. However, please tell me that her hair was pinned up and not cut off...not that she didn't look stunning as usual, but I like her hair long. And I agree Di, Randy was good too and I loved the sound they made together...when you hear REAL super stars such as these 3, the wannabes really don't sound that hot...haha As for the show, the little blonde girl was not good the night before, but I really don't think she was the weakest singer by any stretch, and now she doesn't get to tour with them or anything. It is really the top 10 that are the biggies...In my opinion it really should have been Megan. I know I've beat it to death, but she just is nothing more than an extremely good looking mediocre singer....She's there to look at....annoying...oh well, she will eventually go as there is no way she can win. I think it is going to come down to Danny and Matt, I really love them both but at this point though I am leaning more towards Danny, that can change as I have known (except when Carrie was competing) to be quite fickle. haha
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Randy Travis is an Emperor!
The man is untouchable. Wanted him on a solo, but he and Carrie were a stun.
So Mel is absolutely desperate to have her opinion be heard...but because her internet keeps kicking her off and she is not a "contributor" (can someone get on that)she has not been able to post her thoughts...she is on the phone with me now(DESPO) dictating me what to say....
ADAM-ASSININE. way too weird, agree with simon, "what the hell was that?"
LIL ROUNDS-terrible. what were u thinking trying to keep up with the likes of Martina McBride?
ANOOP- 4 words for you...I TOLD YOU SO. He nailed it.
BLIND GUY(whose name is Scott by the way...)-LOVE HIM. Hes very talented but I agree that he does need to kick it up a notch.
MATT-(JT guy)My absolute fav. Complete STUN
DANNY- second. AT first wasnt into his song choice, until he got to the chorus.
KRIS-Probably just because i LOVE the song, but I agreed with Simon, "terrific!"
ALEXIS-GLAD she went home
MICHEAL-NEXT to go home.
Mel ALSO agrees that people arguing with the judges makes them sound pathetic, desperate and annoying. and shes DEAD serious with this second hand account of her thoughts.
ADAM-ASSININE. way too weird, agree with simon, "what the hell was that?"
LIL ROUNDS-terrible. what were u thinking trying to keep up with the likes of Martina McBride?
ANOOP- 4 words for you...I TOLD YOU SO. He nailed it.
BLIND GUY(whose name is Scott by the way...)-LOVE HIM. Hes very talented but I agree that he does need to kick it up a notch.
MATT-(JT guy)My absolute fav. Complete STUN
DANNY- second. AT first wasnt into his song choice, until he got to the chorus.
KRIS-Probably just because i LOVE the song, but I agreed with Simon, "terrific!"
ALEXIS-GLAD she went home
MICHEAL-NEXT to go home.
Mel ALSO agrees that people arguing with the judges makes them sound pathetic, desperate and annoying. and shes DEAD serious with this second hand account of her thoughts.
and another thing....
Im SO sick of everyone booing simon all the time. I cant even hear what hes saying half the time. it sooo annoying. and we all know what simon has to say is usually spot on.
Anoop Dogg is BACK!
oil dril man- annoying choice of song. seriously? garth?
red head girl- alriiiight, weird personality.
blind man- i think the judges were too hard on him. how sad for him but am over the piano
adam-i didnt think he was AS bad as everyone had him. I mean honestly did we think he was going to come out and sing country? i think he put a VERY strange twist on it but atleast he made it his own
lil- annoying. what was she thinking singing independance day? HELLO, ur and R&B singer, not ANYWHERE near country. and she kept trying to come up with excuses to the judges, she just COULDNT accept she didnt do that good.
Horrid Pink girl- probably the MOST horridest hair style ive EVER seen. what is she 70? just HORRID. and she still thinks shes really good. If you look at her from when she FIRST started she was really cute, plain and nice, now shes trying to be too much of a star and im NOT feelin it
Megan- looked like a STUN. however, i just dont think her voice is as good as everyone elses
Danny- DEFINETLY not his best. beggining SUCKED and I was real scared, but was sooo good in chorus it made up for him. and he was real darling bc he was so nervous trying to sing in front of randy. still my fav
Anoop- BEST performance of the night for me. seriously has SUCH a good voice and I knew he would come around finally
Kris-forgettable. not into it.
Justin timberlake man-also a really good one of the night. one of my new favs for sure.
red head girl- alriiiight, weird personality.
blind man- i think the judges were too hard on him. how sad for him but am over the piano
adam-i didnt think he was AS bad as everyone had him. I mean honestly did we think he was going to come out and sing country? i think he put a VERY strange twist on it but atleast he made it his own
lil- annoying. what was she thinking singing independance day? HELLO, ur and R&B singer, not ANYWHERE near country. and she kept trying to come up with excuses to the judges, she just COULDNT accept she didnt do that good.
Horrid Pink girl- probably the MOST horridest hair style ive EVER seen. what is she 70? just HORRID. and she still thinks shes really good. If you look at her from when she FIRST started she was really cute, plain and nice, now shes trying to be too much of a star and im NOT feelin it
Megan- looked like a STUN. however, i just dont think her voice is as good as everyone elses
Danny- DEFINETLY not his best. beggining SUCKED and I was real scared, but was sooo good in chorus it made up for him. and he was real darling bc he was so nervous trying to sing in front of randy. still my fav
Anoop- BEST performance of the night for me. seriously has SUCH a good voice and I knew he would come around finally
Kris-forgettable. not into it.
Justin timberlake man-also a really good one of the night. one of my new favs for sure.
A lot of surprises.
What in the WORLD was Adam thinking? I'll admit, his voice was a stun, but beyond that, EVERYTHING else was beyond weird. And trust me, I had him as the slam dunk winner prior to last night. Too bad, so sad.
Danny was good, but so were a couple of others. Agree with you all, Lil chose the wrong song. I'm beginning to tire of everyone arguing or explaining themselves to the judges. It's annoying and irritating. They've asked for the judges opinions...did anyone ask for theirs? Lil was bucked senseless by Simon while she tried to tell her story.
Does anyone know "blind guys" name? I actually thought he did a little better last night.
Anoop sang VERY well. If you close your eyes it was tolerable. But the man so repulses me after his beat it rendition and I don't know that I'll EVER recover from it.
Danny was good, but so were a couple of others. Agree with you all, Lil chose the wrong song. I'm beginning to tire of everyone arguing or explaining themselves to the judges. It's annoying and irritating. They've asked for the judges opinions...did anyone ask for theirs? Lil was bucked senseless by Simon while she tried to tell her story.
Does anyone know "blind guys" name? I actually thought he did a little better last night.
Anoop sang VERY well. If you close your eyes it was tolerable. But the man so repulses me after his beat it rendition and I don't know that I'll EVER recover from it.
Crow Collapses.........
I, too, am VERY perky for the show tonite. The slack that I will cut Megan is that Randy Travis thought she was good and I respect his opinion. Maybe the judges had heard her sing earlier and were basing part of their judgement on that, because I agree, they had way too high of praise for what she did las nite. She is not leaving soon tho'.....I think Lil should have picked a better song, cuz that one was not good. I loved her makeup, but her dress was way too micro. Blind guy is becoming too mediocre. He needs to get something going. What was with Paula's bizarre criticism of the piano? She was downright odd last night, even for her. LOL
Adam (Crow) is living up to your name for him. "Caw, Caw......" Made you want to scream out,"Quiet!" He looked like an idiot standing next to a real man and I was downright repulsed. I don't know if he can come back (for me anyway) after that weird feel. I thought he would have muffled it a little longer. I really think part of it is that he thinks he is a STUN! The look on Randy's face as he assessed Crow was a roar. I think it is very funny that you and I both sensed his potential for weirdness.
Second biggest surprise of the nite was Anoop. I don't think I had actually ever seen him do anything that good. He has a good voice, but will never win. At this point, I think Danny is the winner.
Adam (Crow) is living up to your name for him. "Caw, Caw......" Made you want to scream out,"Quiet!" He looked like an idiot standing next to a real man and I was downright repulsed. I don't know if he can come back (for me anyway) after that weird feel. I thought he would have muffled it a little longer. I really think part of it is that he thinks he is a STUN! The look on Randy's face as he assessed Crow was a roar. I think it is very funny that you and I both sensed his potential for weirdness.
Second biggest surprise of the nite was Anoop. I don't think I had actually ever seen him do anything that good. He has a good voice, but will never win. At this point, I think Danny is the winner.
haha WHAT? was that....Di, we knew he had the potential to go "weird", and THAT was certainly it....haha First of all, he looked soooo feminine it was hard to even really look at him...and then that weird feel and sound on a song that I LOVE and Johnny Cash is famous for....what a dork...he can sing REALLY REALLY well, but who cares when you can see what his feel is going to be?? I think there is WAY too few of people he is going to appeal to and that will be that on him eventually...
Here is my take on last night....top for me was Danny....I love the song, and I love his voice, and I love his whole feel....my next pick would be Matt, love everything about him too, Anoop was in orbit last night, but he will never win, but hope he stays around for a while as he definitely entertains me....I also really like Lil and felt she got a bad rap last night, she is obviously not a "country" singer and yet I thought her song was good, I liked the young red hair girl last night again, in spite of myself, I thought Chris was good...here's who I say should go...at the top of my list is Megan. I have just NEVER got it. I have never heard her sing well. I know she was sick last night, but even cutting her some slack, I thought she was downright awful. I was stunned at her reviews by the judges...She won't go tonight though...I think it will be Michael (is that his name?) the first guy who TRIED to sing Garth Brookes....he was just not that great, though I do think it was his song choice, he's got a great voice...I also didn't like the young blonde girl with pink in her hair, and that makes two weeks in a row I didn't like her, but I don't think she's out yet..blind guy was OK last night, his voice is good, but he does need to step it up...I think that's everyone and anyone I might be forgetting, must have been truly forgettable. haha
Yes Di, Randy Travis was sooo good....and classy does sum him up...and tonight we have two of my personal fave's....Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley....I'm giddy!!!
Summary: Michael will go.......
Here is my take on last night....top for me was Danny....I love the song, and I love his voice, and I love his whole feel....my next pick would be Matt, love everything about him too, Anoop was in orbit last night, but he will never win, but hope he stays around for a while as he definitely entertains me....I also really like Lil and felt she got a bad rap last night, she is obviously not a "country" singer and yet I thought her song was good, I liked the young red hair girl last night again, in spite of myself, I thought Chris was good...here's who I say should go...at the top of my list is Megan. I have just NEVER got it. I have never heard her sing well. I know she was sick last night, but even cutting her some slack, I thought she was downright awful. I was stunned at her reviews by the judges...She won't go tonight though...I think it will be Michael (is that his name?) the first guy who TRIED to sing Garth Brookes....he was just not that great, though I do think it was his song choice, he's got a great voice...I also didn't like the young blonde girl with pink in her hair, and that makes two weeks in a row I didn't like her, but I don't think she's out yet..blind guy was OK last night, his voice is good, but he does need to step it up...I think that's everyone and anyone I might be forgetting, must have been truly forgettable. haha
Yes Di, Randy Travis was sooo good....and classy does sum him up...and tonight we have two of my personal fave's....Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley....I'm giddy!!!
Summary: Michael will go.......
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Anoop was a STUN
I can not believe that I could not see what his appeal was. Mel and Anthony you are both right!
Randy Travis is a STUN
I cannot believe what an INCREDIBLE stun Randy Travis was on the night! I love him and he was so classy! Adam had such an odd feel next to him that it was not even funny. I hated his arrangement of his song. He is turning just like Tattoo Irish girl...thinking he is a front runner and can do anything. I had sensed a weird turn in him and he delivered. He should have listened to Randy........
Danny had the proper respect for Randy and I loved him!
Danny had the proper respect for Randy and I loved him!
Adam lost his mind
What the hell was that? Johnny Cash and Marilyn Manson do not mix. Ouch. That literally hurt my ears. Just... ew.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So there's a girl who works here who knows Adam. Evidently he's from Hollywood and already has a little bit of a career, he sings musical theater.
I'm thinking a opening of Seacrest saying "THIS is American Idol" and then the music when you log on here would be really good. Can you do it?
And another thing...
How horrid is the new being able to "save" someone? First, you've been bucked senseless because the public has voted you off, THEN "ok, let's have you sing again, and the judges will see what they think"....Judges? Did you want to save her?.... NO. The public thinks you're an ass...and so do we. Go home.
Don't get me wrong. I think the idea is brilliant. Somthing should have been done when Daughtry went home.(I have still not recovered) But do they have to handle it the way they are?
Don't get me wrong. I think the idea is brilliant. Somthing should have been done when Daughtry went home.(I have still not recovered) But do they have to handle it the way they are?
My Take
Greg watched for the first time and so it was interesting to get his take on people. He thought Danny was a total stun! He thought Jasmine sounded a lot like Dionne Warwick ( you young people may not even know who she is) When Jorge started singing he almost vomited and could not believe he had ever even been on the show. He thought Pinkie was good and Red Rocker, too. And of course, he liked Adam. Though, not on the same level I do.LOL I don't know what it is but I just can not see the appeal of Anoop. He sings OK... and I really don't like how is acting. Talk about someone with an attitude. Justin Timberlake guy is good and he liked him and Blind Guy , too. I am really glad that Jasmine and Jorge are gone. I did not find her bawling repulsive, it was just sad. I think it is really good that they are going to let the judges save someone this year. If they would have had that in the past, they could have saved Daughtry. And we would not have had the repulsiveness of Taylor Hicks going.
I never can decide where I should post what I think....new post or as a comment under someone else's thoughts?? haha ANYWAY, I think it went like you knew it would...Jasmine had to go, she's just not in anyone else's league...and I agree Jess, easy on the bawling....Jorge was bound to go too so the fact he went next was a moot point, I agree that Anoop is on very shaky ground and alot of it will depend on his song choice and feel next week. He can sing in my opinion, but so far he is not going about this right....I still like Danny the best too Jess, but I have been known to jump ships mid contest so who knows. Crow runs a very close second, but again sings the kind of music I am not really into....I also REALLY like Matt and I really like Lil and this is weird for me I know, but I kind of like the red haired rocker girl, though I hate the way she acts....she thinks she's funny, but she's annoying to me....she's 16 going on 28....haha Oh, and I don't like the pretty girl (is her name Meagan, I can't remember..)and the little blonde girl with pink in her hair not so good either anymore and I liked her at first. I haven't written her off yet, but she is on a tip....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
the way I see it....
Had to watch both american idol episodes tonight...
Danny is the top runner. OBVIOUSLY a complete stun. very different voice. Adam is right behind him, and even if Adam doesnt win, he will probably record...Blonde/pink girl suddenly has a chip on her shoulder...couldnt quite put my finger on it but it seemed to me she thought she was pretty darn good. sorry honey theres still 10 more episodes. hi. Glad jorge went bc, sorry, wasnt that good, and was too puerto rican for me...mom hit nail on the head...veeeery ruben. jasmine is a ball baby. easy on crying at the end...you werent winning. Justin timberlake man is one of my new favs....and i LOVE blind man, even though he probably wont win, but I still like him. Lil rounds is good, and yet, i dont find her THAT interesting...Megan sounds like Amy Whinehouse to me with blonde hair, and weeeeiiiird song choice. Anoops song was extremely stupid and i was very sad for him as I really like him. He needs to pick it up. All in all Im glad who went home, but Anoop is on REALLY thin ice...as for the judges....WHATS wrong with paula? There were several parts where I couldnt decide if she was about to bawl or was just that weird and looped up....Kara hasnt bothered me yet. Randys pointless as ive said. and Simon, as usual is right on the mark. thats all. Oh and on kanye west john...I HATE KANYE....he thinks he is SUCH a king, and Im sorry...im just not buyin it...and to talk about kelly clarkson...was not that impressed by her either...has she ever heard of a hair brush?
Danny is the top runner. OBVIOUSLY a complete stun. very different voice. Adam is right behind him, and even if Adam doesnt win, he will probably record...Blonde/pink girl suddenly has a chip on her shoulder...couldnt quite put my finger on it but it seemed to me she thought she was pretty darn good. sorry honey theres still 10 more episodes. hi. Glad jorge went bc, sorry, wasnt that good, and was too puerto rican for me...mom hit nail on the head...veeeery ruben. jasmine is a ball baby. easy on crying at the end...you werent winning. Justin timberlake man is one of my new favs....and i LOVE blind man, even though he probably wont win, but I still like him. Lil rounds is good, and yet, i dont find her THAT interesting...Megan sounds like Amy Whinehouse to me with blonde hair, and weeeeiiiird song choice. Anoops song was extremely stupid and i was very sad for him as I really like him. He needs to pick it up. All in all Im glad who went home, but Anoop is on REALLY thin ice...as for the judges....WHATS wrong with paula? There were several parts where I couldnt decide if she was about to bawl or was just that weird and looped up....Kara hasnt bothered me yet. Randys pointless as ive said. and Simon, as usual is right on the mark. thats all. Oh and on kanye west john...I HATE KANYE....he thinks he is SUCH a king, and Im sorry...im just not buyin it...and to talk about kelly clarkson...was not that impressed by her either...has she ever heard of a hair brush?
I don't like Kanye
I don't like Kanye, I don't like his songs, I don't like his face, I don't like that he sings through an autotuner, I didn't like him on the cover of Rolling Stone with a crown of thorns on his head over the headline Hip Hop Messiah, I didn't like that stupid towel haning from his back pocket, I didn't like the song he "sang" on idol tonight, basically I don't like anything about him. And to me his only decent song was gold digger, and I really only like the parts of gold digger where Kanye isn't rapping, basically it would be a better song if he wasn't on it and there was just silence in his parts.
So how's that.
So how's that.
I forgot, they made a big deal out of how they are going to do "something" different tonight...I wonder what?? Simon said it has to do with them so I am wondering if they will now have more of a say so on who goes or stays?? Or maybe they can veto something or somthing like that...could be interesting...Also, my personal name for Adam has been "crow guy" as I couldn't seem to remember his name. And he kind of looks like a crow with that weirdly styled black hair etc. haha Don't get me wrong, I think he is VERY good looking....VERY...but he might remain crow for me...
im back!
i watched like an hour of lasts nights show and i just want to say, i love that Simons back to how i like him, said plenty of rude remarks that made my night. and yes the new girl is actually having some points rather than just loving everyone. and randy seems to have no point, and Paula is on drugs or has a drinking problem, haha.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My take
Adam - King
Paula - On drugs
Anoop - Needs to go home
Oil Guy - Boring
Last Girl - Over the top
Lil - Pretty good
Danny - A stun
Paula - On drugs
Anoop - Needs to go home
Oil Guy - Boring
Last Girl - Over the top
Lil - Pretty good
Danny - A stun
I really liked...
The guy who sang Black or White.
Like a combo of Elvis and Axl Rose, but for 2009. I think he's going to win.
Like a combo of Elvis and Axl Rose, but for 2009. I think he's going to win.
I love what has happened to this blog.
I was afraid when I decided to give admin authority to everyone that it would become a contest to see who could make the most changes to it.
I am not sure who did all the changes. I think it may be Jess.
I think that the artist should sign their work.
It is looking fantastic at this time. I never would have thought to add all the Idol graphics.
But thats just the old man humbug that I am.
Keep up the good work.
I am not sure who did all the changes. I think it may be Jess.
I think that the artist should sign their work.
It is looking fantastic at this time. I never would have thought to add all the Idol graphics.
But thats just the old man humbug that I am.
Keep up the good work.
I love this Blog!
Having a seperate Blog for this subject was a really good idea. Good work, Jess, for thinking of it and good work, Joe for setting it up. ;)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Simons a loser.
I havent really watched this season at all, only a few shows, but im going to tell you why. I've been a huge fan of american idol in the past mainly because my only 2 Gf's loved to watch every episode so i did with them and learned to love the show. and i wanted to watch this season but i watched like the trials and a few real episodes but i COMPLETELY hate the new girl judge, please get her off the show. and now simon isnt even a jerk anymore, the main reason i watched the show, i watched simon pass like 5 people in 1 show who all sucked at singing when he should of told them they sucked and then i would of got to watch them cry running out of the building rather than dance with ryan seacrest in the hallway. what is this, simon is a loser now and is trying to be too friendly, and whats up with all those HUGE backrounds on everyone on the trial episodes, why are we watching super long backrounds of peoples lives before they are even admited to hollywood? does the show pick favorites here or what? BUT i have only seen 3 or 4 episodes, but if any of those were good, id still be watching.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I really just wanted to comment under John's post on Tatiana, but for some reason the comment thing never did come up.....just wanted to say, though it is a mute point as she is out, that she could sing somewhat....sometimes she would hit a note or a section and I would actually think..wow, she isn't that bad, but you know how they are always talking "the whole package" well, there is no way she's pulling that off obviously. I ended up feeling kind of sorry for her as there is something quite definitely wrong with her....but as I said, all a mute point as she is out, and I can't say I'm not perky.....
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tatianna isn't that bad
She's annoying as hell, but can actually kind of sing. You all need to ease up on her.
Well, I guess this is the place though I don't see a post by anyone....Am I first?? haha It's hard to have much of an opinion right now. I think most of the best people are in. Wonder what they will do with 13....maybe eliminate two the first week?? I think the very pretty girl with the long long hair is a STUN in her looks, but I think her voice is downright bad....I think she is the token stunner they always have to have going....I find it somewhat annoying. Personally, I didn't think anyone really stood out last night that I can think of anyway....and I think after the group sings again, Danny will stand out as a stun as I don't think (at this point anyway) that anyone else is even in his league......
Thursday, March 5, 2009
This is The American Idol
Post and comment all you want. I am going to send invites to everyone, and make each of you an Administrator.
Everyone will be able to make a post that everyone can comment on.
You will all be able to knock yourselves out doing your own thing.
Everyone will be able to make a post that everyone can comment on.
You will all be able to knock yourselves out doing your own thing.
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