
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just to let you all know... I was literally bawling tonight. Now, I was already feeling kind of emotional the whole day, because I was working in the pre k and there was this little girl in there with a whole bunch of severe disabilities (including seizures, needless to say I've decided it's not really the place for me) and I was almost bawling every time I looked at her.
I just felt so bad for Scott. I agree it was his time to go, even though I think Lil or Anoop could have easily gone first, but it was just so sad. His "journey" video thing is was really got me. Poor Scott. I'm very sad. He was so cute on it though. I guess I'm handing over support to Adam or Danny now.


  1. Actually, Mel it was VERY sad. It really should have been Lil followed quickly by Anoop. I would have preferred to have listened to Scott for a couple of more weeks than to either one of their heads. I can't even believe that Lil is still going. Sorry, I know how much you liked him. He was very sweet........

  2. I can't even imagine what it would be like to work with a handicapped child. How very, very sad........

  3. I agree...I actually fell asleep (I was sooo beat) and woke up just as Anoop and Scott were standing there...I was sure it was going to be Anoop. Shocking it was was sad, though he handled it very classy....Should have gone before Lil and never know...look how long Megan hung on and others went before she did that shouldn't have...As for the handicapped child goes I believe it takes a literal calling to handle that. It would be REALLY hard. Just like working in a hospital with sick kids (Or anyone really sick for that matter) It just isn't about unfair...poor little girl...some people's lives are sooo unfair....and when we whine, we'd do good to remember those who really do have it ya Mel, hope you have a better day today, your in there again huh???

  4. I actually cried myself. Didn't think I would but it was really sad. He just tried so hard. I'm sure the two who wanted to "save" him were the women. It was a very emotional thing...

  5. My goodness people, he's not dead. He got voted off American Idol. On balance, the last three months of his life have probably been the best three months.

  6. And as far as the disabled kids Mel, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to articulate this the way I want to so it's probably going to come out wrong, but is sadness even an appropriate feeling at the sight of a disabled kid? They pick up on that. Act perky and fun, not depressed at the sight of them. You have no idea what's in her future.

  7. It is true, I figure Scott as a result of all this will no doubt record and I bet a million bucks do concerts, if for no other reason than so that people can see and hear him play the piano. He was really very good on it...I'm reading a book right now on disabled kids (primarily down syndrome) and it honestly talked about the amount of love and pleasure these kids bring into their parents lives. Hard yes, but not without thier purpose..I talked to Mel at length about her day and it wasn't that she "acted" depressed around her, in fact it was just the opposite. It was just sad to see how the other children treated her etc. And they at 3 were really too little to understand anything other than she was annoying, different, and a bother. She was constantly being shuffled and pushed aside, or forgotten and left out altogether....It WAS sad...

  8. I got cut off before I was done.....she has also been through more PHYSICALLY than most of us have in our whole lives, and she has only been alive 3 little's just sooo unfair...and yet I believe these kids and all the others like them, will have a GREATER place in heaven and get their rewards for their suffering here on earth when they arrive there...

  9. I've always had a tough time with this philosophically.

    It's all relative. If you're born blind, that's the only reality you've ever known, so to you it's just life. People feel sorry for you for not having sight, but if you never had it to begin with you didn't lose anything.
    You have sight so you think its better to have sight, so you feel sorry for someone born without it.

    But you weren't born with wings, and people who had wings might feel sorry for you for being born without them. But the former doesn't make any more sense than the latter.

    I'm sure I sound like a lunatic, but I think there's something to the idea that we all only know our one reality and they all have their ups and downs, who is really to say one is better or worse, or sadder or happier than another.

  10. I'm going with lunatic on this one John. Not to say "sad" is the right word for it. No the blind man knows nothing else, but we WITH sight know what he is missing. How not to feel for him?

  11. Actually, even lunatic was a ridiculously strong word.

  12. I didn't get that Danae, were you agreeing or disagreeing?

  13. I'm still back on the little girl and children with mental and physical disabilities. How can someone who has been through MULTIPLE surgeries, suffered with physical pain on a reg. basis, been left out of activities she WANTS to be part of, been taken advantage of by other kids (taking things away from her, pushing her out of the way etc.) and ALL while not having a clue why any of it is happening to her, NOT be someone (who us with all of our mental and physcial capabilities) we feel sorry or bad is not fair, and it IS sad...Scott on American Idol on the other hand, I don't really feel "sorry" or sad for. He was given an incrediable opportunity that MOST sighted people will never know, and as a result will no doubt have an exciting career recording and performing probably making TONS of money. On top of that, he may be "blind" but he has all his mental capacities, seems to be physically healthy, and was given an UNBELIEVABLE measure of talent musically, both in his voice, and piano playing abilities. He will be fine, in fact, WAY better than most will ever know......Mel and others who felt "sad" for Scott, were really feeling more sentimental and melaconlic (sp?) over the end of his "attempt" at being American Idol. And as any "woman" would know, when you have felt sad ALL day over something, it doesn't take much to move you to tears (and sometimes just for no reason it doesn't take much).....could have been a commercial with aging parents, or a cute baby or something....You have missed the point I think John. No one said mentally disabled or physcially handicapped people are people to pity and feel sorry for as a general rule. Some of them are very happy contented you said, it is all relative. SOME of them are SAD and you feel bad for them as they have SUFFERED way more than their fair share.....

  14. What specifically is a fair share of suffering?

    This has always been a subject I've had trouble with and I've never really been able to express myself properly. I guess I've just never completely thought it out.

    I'm not saying there aren't people deserving of pity. Obviously there are.

    There's nothing fair about life. You could find a reason to feel sorry for almost anyone. Eventually we all get sick and we all die. It seems pretty arbitrary to draw a distinction between one kid who is born with some health abnormalities vs. another kid who starves to death, vs. another kid who lives a normal life till ten and then gets hit by a car. We've got a planet filled with stories that don't end in what you might consider the to be the proper or fair ending, so how do you feel sympathy for any one of them in particular? I think we'd all agree it doesn't make any sense to go around feeling horrible all the time for each and every kid who got dealt bad cards, whatever the individual case may be.

    On an intellectual level you can say I have sympathy for group X or Y or Z, but on an emotional level you can't actually Feel the volume of sympathy we're talking about. If its being handed out fairly. I don't think that can even be argued. And once you've accepted that idea intellectually, whether or not it makes any sense emotionally, it follows that you have to accept the idea that it's kind of weird to only feel bad for the individual cases that happen to cross your own path. On one level you know that there are these tragedies that befall people, and its random and unfair and causes suffering, but if its out of your field of vision it doesn't bother you as much as it does when you can physically see it.

    It's kind of like if a can of Coke gets spilled on an anthill and a million ants are running around homeless and injured, you pull one single ant out of the millions and hold it up and say I feel so bad for THIS ant, its no different than any of the others but it's the one I happened to grab when I reached down.

    I really don't expect this to make sense to anyone else because its emotional and there's nothing logical about emotion, you just feel what you feel and it doesn't really matter if it makes any sense or not. I just don't think that changes the fact that it doesn't make sense.

  15. I just typed out a BIG long comment and lost it somehow and now I am annoyed which will no doubt come into my comment. haha Bottom line, I do kind of get what you are saying, but your point is a small say I can't or shouldn't feel sad for whatever or whomever does happen to come into my awareness, just because there are others out there that I am unaware of that might be just as bad or worse, seems just plain weird to me...I can only feel sad or happy (for that matter) about that which I know..and yes, I do think some have WAY more than their fair share of suffering....OBVIOUSLY, everyone eventually dies of one gets all the way through their lives with no sadness or anything bad ever happening to them. It is all life....on the other hand, some people who are born with a terrible say physical illness, never knew much else.....a little 10 year old dying say after a LONG horrifying illness can't be compared to someone who lived well into their 90's, died peacefully in their sleep after having been married happily most of their lives and having several kids and grand kids and great grand kids to love, and saw and did most of what they would have like to....Obviously both of these examples are at the far end of one spectrum or the other, but that's my point....SOME poor people get WAY more than their fair share of life's sufferings....WAY more...


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