my predictions for the bottom three...(or atleast who it SHOULD be...)
1. M E G A N! she SUCKS. i get her amy whinehouse feel but im NOT into it. the song choice SUCKED. bob marley? really? and yeah shes good, but shes annoying. her "fans" are dorks just like her. she needs to go. bad. am with both mel and deb, if she makes it through again, i might not be able to watch.
2. Anoop- one word...EYEBROWS.....wax them. repulsive.
3.Lil- i agree on the butt comments. and sorry, but a celine dion choice was assinine. what part of "sing an R&B song" didnt ya get?
now my favs....
ADAM- STUN STUN STUN. LOVED it. different and very entertaining.
DANNY- AMAZING. Had chills as well, LOVE HIM. Rascal was a little risky tho
MATT- i thought the judges were waaaay too harsh. to be quite honest, i liked the song choice. however, he didnt sing it all that well. As they told him he should be singing Justin Songs, or things like "apologize," i DIDNT agree, i thought the fray and coldplay is his "feel".
SCOTT- I am with Mel. LOVED IT. hes so darling I almost cant take it, and might have a vote coming out on him. Thought he did very well with the song, however, definetly not the best singer.
Kris- went up about 10 notches in my books.
red spikes- blah blah blah.
and on one other note. is paula DEAD serious with her outfit choices lately? HOT pink, Bubbles, HUGE bows....what are you 13?
totally agree.....Paula's outfits just keep getting worse.