
Friday, April 29, 2011

Good bye Casey.

I had a brief moment of hysteria when I thought we were in for another giant shock and Scotty was going to be ejected. So it was just a sigh of relief when it was Casey. It doesn't really matter that I feel he went home a bit too early, because he wasn't going to win anyway. At least I am occasionally entertained by his performances, unlike clown man Jacob.

Mom, I didn't even consider the horrifying possibility of Jacob actually winning until you said it! Stranger things have happened.

Agreed with everyone on the judges. Odd praise (the God like comment was asinine) for some, with annoying critiques for others. Get it together.

Did anyone else notice that Crystal Bowersox finally whitened her teeth?? Good old Hollywood. Much better. Kind of a boring performance though.

I have a feeling Scotty is NOT going to win. I predict the winner is either James or Lauren. Can't really put my finger on why I feel this way, I just do.

WHO on EARTH is voting for Jacob?????


  1. I guess I have yet to comment on the "God" remark...what in the world was that? I have found Steven mildly repulsive on Haley period as you can tell he is attracted to her and thinks she's "sexy" (said more than once) It's disgusting in my opinon. Didn't notice her teeth, but thank goodness, they were horrid. And I agree her performance was kind of boring. I think you are right...suddenly I don't think Scotty is going to get it..or maybe it is just the judges sudden turn on him and the "feel" of maybe he was out last night. I am fine with James, but NOT Lauren...not gonna lie, that will annoy me.

  2. Oh and it has got to old people or minorities voting for the goober.


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