
Friday, March 18, 2011

Beating a dead horse

TEN years of Idol, they're beginning to beat a dead horse. Just a tad.

As I've barely watched so far this year, I can't comment much on the singers. I did tune in a couple of times to see what I thought of the judges though...

1. Steven Tyler... I still think it's sad that he's doing this. 20, or 10, or even 5 years ago he was way too famous/successful to need this dog and pony show. But he got back on the drugs, wrecked his band, and is now on Idol. I can't comment too much on his judging style since I haven't seen too much yet, but from what I saw I agree with Mel, he seems too eager to say something nice to everyone. In my humble opinion, the only thing that ever made Idol entertaining for me to watch was Simon, whose withering, acidic remarks were always top-notch entertainment.

2. JLo... love her as an actress, hate her as a singer, and don't really get why she's even there. She can't sing worth crap, and judging by her own albums she seems to have horrid taste in music.

3. Randy... whatever.

As for Seacrest... or Seaworld, Seaweed, Tsunami or whatever his name is... I hate his guts and don't understand why he's there or what the point of him or his job is. I think the show would be alot better if they gave the judges the extra minute to talk and cut out the crap where Seacrest asks them his brilliant, cutting edge, brilliantly insightful questions... "So how do you think you did? Do you think that went well? So how did you prepare this week?" etc. He moves his lips and sounds come out but it adds nothing to the show, doesn't illustrate anything, and gives zero insight into anything. He may be the most pointless man on television.


  1. you really need to get on actually watching the show, this post was almost pointless. I will say I agree with you about Simon. He is missed.
    And even though I like him, I also agree that Ryan adds nothing to the show.

  2. I love your comment Mel. The post was pointless, and way off base. One disagreement however. Even though I don't particularly like him, I think Ryan does make a difference on the show.

  3. I realize lots of people like Ryan and its kind of pointless to criticize him too much since he's obviously not going anywhere, but when I imagine the show without a host of any kind, just the voice of an announcer who introduces the singers before they go on... I think that would be a better show. Ryan ad libs little anecdotes that just stop the show dead. His whole job seems to be to destroy the rythmn of performance judging, performance judging, etc. Do we really need a guy to come on and say wow, you sure are pretty! Or well, how did you think that went? I thinks getting rid of him would be addition by subtraction, to where you'd have to see it without him to really realize he's not helping anything, he's just slowing it down and getting in the way of the more interesting parts. When the singers are kicking butt or when the judges are making a great point, you're on the edge of your seat. Have you ever, ever once been on the edge of your seat to hear what Ryan is going to add??? Me neither.


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