
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My judgements (read the comment)


  1. Scotty: Killer. That kid has crazy talent.
    Naimia: That didn't work at all. I think she could be good at something, but that wasn't it. When you have the Elton John songbook to work with... She could have done a million other songs that would have worked better as Ragae.
    Paul: that sucked. Whispy, billowy and fluffy and that's not the kind of song it is. Horrible.
    Pia: Pee flavored syrup. Horrible.
    Stefano: I don't like the face expressions he makes when he sings. Arrangement was dumb... He sings ok, didn't wow me at all.
    Lauren: not bad at all. Nothin special though.
    James: he looked like such an idiot that I had trouble noticing that he actually sang allright. Just a lame performance other than the voice. (side note: why does Victoria's Secret have to parade nude girls in a
    commercial during a show that's supposed to be for young kids?)
    Thia: someone open a window.
    Casey: eh... Ok.
    Black guy: 3/10
    Haley: liked it, I still see muc promise in her. Bennie and the Jets might not have been the best song to pick, but she got about as much out of it as anyone not named Elton could have.

    My picks of the night are Scotty and Haley. Goat of the night would be the Asian girl.

  2. agree with scotty and haley, loved both....and asain girl is a big suck fest...

    victoria secrets commercials are everywhere now, no matter time or show...i saw one in the middle of full house yesterday...full house!!!

  3. victorias secret is practically pornographic. asinine. thank God people seem to be agreeing with me on Thia.

  4. It's not practically pornography, it fully meets the dictionary definition of pornography. It's very hard for me to understand why you need to show young women in underwear to sell underwear to young women.

    Anyway, sounds like there is a consensus. Here's my theory on Thia: She has no soul whatsoever. Everything is calculated, mechanical, robotic. She's stiff and looks terrified of making a mistake... not exactly a recipe for a good time. Her voice really isn't bad, if she relaxed a little and sang like she was trying to just have fun and sing a song, as opposed to singing like she's trying to win a contest, I think she'd be better.

    The size of Casey's head is a bit disturbing. It's watermelon sized.


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