
Friday, March 18, 2011

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...

MY thoughts on this seasons American Idol.

So far, my faves are: Pia, Lauren, Terets guy, Scotty Deep Voice, and Casey. Although Casey's butchering of the Nirvana song almost got him ejected from the list. Mom, the song is not "weird," it's great... you just have never heard the original. Casey killed it, and not in a good way.

Most hated: Thia Megia, and African Lady (Naimi? Naoime? African Lady suits her best.)

While she's not a favorite, I kind of like Haley and don't see why everyone hates her. Her voice is very unique and I like it. She was in the bottom three over poop Thia?? Ridiculous.

I felt that Karen's ejection was a tad premature, but it doesn't really matter since we all knew she wouldn't win anyway. And I was sick of her Spanish crap. It was fine the first time, good even, but did she have to whip into it every week? She drilled the nail in her own coffin there. No habla espanol, Karen.

JUDGES: I like JLo, she's a true professional and gives helpful tips. And always looks like a stun. I agree with dang near everything Randy says. Mom, I know you like Steven Tyler, but I personally think he's a bizarre judge. He rarely has anything helpful to say, and he almost always sings their praises, somewhat oddly, even when they don't deserve it. My least favorite. Stick to singing, Steven. I'll leave him a little room to redeem himself since I haven't been watching for long, but I doubt he will pull it off.

The bottom line is that Simon's absence has left a gaping hole in the heart of American Idol. The show will go on, people will still watch, it will still be good.... but it's not the same. I, for one, miss Simon.

We really need to get everyone back posting here.... I was reading back over our old ones and practically made myself sick from laughter.


  1. I didn't think I missed Simon until just recently when it does seem as if all Steven says is "Beautiful"...haha...I have to say I almost always agreed with what Simon said, however meanly he said it. Get people back on!! I know John would do it if you told him to!

  2. Oh my gosh, this post was HILARIOUS!


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