
Thursday, April 16, 2009


I guess it didn't matter to me one way or another if they saved two will have to go next week anyway, and eventually they all will. I think Matt is pretty good too, and I have "liked" him all along, but at this point,(because every one left is really pretty good) there isn't really room for mistakes and missed notes, or stupid songs choices, and he had both this last week, and the week before....but I guess this way he gets another week to sing. The same thing for Lil...I will be pretty amazed if it isn't the two of them next week...It is soooo funny sometimes hearing how different people take the same thing...haha For instance, I saw nothing all that irritating about Anoops remarks. I mean Ryan came right out and asked him how he felt about being in the bottom 3 again and if he felt like he deserved to be there. What was he suppose to say, "Yes, I suck and here's where I belong?" He merely said, "Well, I "thought" I did pretty well, and I was encouraged by the judges remarks, but what difference does that make, they are not the ones voting." What's wrong with that?? I think Di hit the nail on the head with him when she said, he sings really well, but he is soooo limited. If he moves an inch out of his "ballad" mode, he is somewhat repulsive. And for some reason Lil doesn't bug me either...Again, I feel Ryan encourages them to SAY something, and do feel like Lil can't win with the judges NO MATTER what she sings or how she does it, and NO MATTER if she takes it all in or argues back...I saw nothing wrong with her song choice a few times when they ragged it to death. I see her as really frustrated, not annnoying.. I just don't think she is a consistent singer is the problem. Sometimes she hits the notes REALLY well, and the next just isn't that good. That's why she should go. But other than that, I look, really I do, as you all seem to hate her soooo much, but she just doesn't strike me one way or another....but then I thought everyone did pretty well this week, and everyone else thought it was a pretty weak week. haha Sooo, Lil, Matt, Anoop, and Kris I think will all go in the next few weeks I think baring a fluke or a really messed up performance by one of the top 3, and I am hoping Danny finds a way to change his consistently "GREAT" performances into a "WOW amazing beyond all belief" performances, or I am afraid he is going to be beat by the Crow, which is just sad, and I am afraid another indication (again I think you were sooo right Di) of where our whole country is really at now.....and the fact that sooooo many see nothing wrong with someone performing in such an immoral way (and that's leaving out gay and cross dressing) and in fact actually think that adds a bonus to his "feel" is just, like I said, sad....and I read soooo many comments to his disgusting video's etc., (so I could see how people felt about them) I was blown away by how many people LOVED them and thought they were GREAT, and expressive, and he was sexy and wonderful.....just sad.


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