
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here's what I've decided about this season. I don't love any of them. I think they are all talented, some more than others, but I just don't see an "American Idol" in any of them. Anyway...

Adam: Clearly the best one. He's unique and can pull off just about anything. I enjoyed his performance. I predict he wins the whole thing.

Matt: Also good. I liked it. But tonight he reminded me that he is kinda like Justin Timberlake, but less attractive and not quite as talented.

Anoop: He has a very pretty voice. Needs to stick with songs that show off his voice, because he becomes repulsive when he tries to be cool or sexy. Lets face it Anoop, with eyes that close together and brows that large, sexy or cool aint ever gonna happen. Good job tonight though.

Allison: She has a good voice and did well tonight. But.. you know those people in your life who have a face that you just want to punch? Allison is that person for me.

Kris: Boring. Forgetable. And is his mouth thing getting worse, or is it just me?

Scott: I'm very sad. He did not do well tonight. I agree with Simon... get back behind the piano. He struggled with the high notes... just not good. I still love him though.

Danny: I thought he did very well. He really showed off his voice tonight and it was dang good. If Adam doesn't win, Danny will.

Lil: She looked a million times better tonight. I didn't hate her performance as much as the judges did... it did sound "karaoke".. but like someone I'd stop and listen to and think, that girl's really good. But she'll never win.


  1. I've watched this stupid show since it started, skipped a season or two here or there, but I've come to a stone conclusion: There's a new American Idol show every year, but there's only a new American Idol every three or four years on average.

  2. You might be right....However, I say it's because some of them become true stars, record and do well. As do some of the 3rd or 4th place winners as well....BUT American Idol has made 2 SUPER STARS....and that's what the rest of them are being compared to....SUPER STARS.....actually I think Jennifer Hudson might be Super Star category and she didn't even win....Fantasia is close to Super as well, but I just NEVER liked her for some reason. but in her area she has truly soared....

  3. I must say I was VERY disappointed in most of the performances last night. Not a very good year...with the exception of Adam (in question) and Danny you can never be sure if ANYONE is going to be good.


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