
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chuck's Breakdown

Not all of them are even worth commenting on. I'm in a foul mood, which could pepper my judgements.

Megan: She's nowhere near as bad as you all think. She's Amy Winehouseish and I kind of like her. She can't win, but neither could alot of people that are already stars.

Allison: I love that song, Don't Speak, so I was kind of on board. I thought her outfit was stupid, but frankly I think almost everyone's outfit is stupid. Simon dresses better than any of the singers, IMHO.

Scott: Billy Joel is one of my all time favorites. So I was excited to hear the song. I didn't like this performance. He did it too sugary. With that song it's not supposed to be about the romance, its supposed to be about the yearning. When you listen to Billy sing it, it's like he's singing it to a brick wall in an empty bar, like he's lonely but hopeful. Scott was singing it straight to the girl. I thought he missed the point. Too pretty. One of my big qualms with American Idol people is that they're invariably too plastic and phoney, like they make it all a formula and try to get just the right mix. Too pop. Madonna can be a totally manufactured pop star without coming off like a poser. Very few AI people can do that. Scott can kind of sing, so what. He doesn't play the piano all that well, to me he's is so-so. Ho hum. Yawn.

Matt: That song is a crap sandwhich. And we all had to take a bite. You know what's funny, when I see a male pop star who looks like he'd burst into tears if you punched him in the gut, I find it repulsive beyond measure. Try to at least pretend to be a man. His sweater looked like it might have leather patches on the elbows. Could need to vomit.

Lil: Crap. Ass too large. (You need a pretty, feminine face to pull off a big ass.)

Crow: By far the best of the lot. Still haven't fully recovered from the Johnny Cash incident. The upper part of his falsetto is pretty cool, but he's in danger of beating it to death. Don't mind his outfits, but has anyone else noticed he dresses like a skinny guy even though he has a mild pudge about him? That could be the reason for his ever so mild and difficult-to-pin-down whiff of repulsiveness. He'll probably win.


  1. PS - Unrelated but I have to say, as a lifelong fan of Ozzy, it's very sad to see him reduced to this asinine show with his loudmouth wife and degenerate kids. Someone stick a fork in him.

  2. Chuck you absolutely crack me up. Great review.

  3. LOL... Your assessment of Matt is so dead on and HILARIOUS!

    There is nothing so sad as someone who does not know when it is over......get some pride Ozzy. The show is beyond assinine!

    You might have hit the nail on the head about Adam.......

  4. I'm sick from laughing too hard about the crap sandwhich that we all had to take a bite of... I can barely type the words without laughing again. Also agree that Megan is Amy Winehouseish but I hate Amy Winehouse.And Lil Rounds butt is the size of Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashians combined and then some. Lil should guest star on "Keeping up with Big Butt"

  5. It was served cold, and we were asked to take a BIG bite. And we had to chew it.

  6. I'm laughing hysterically all by myself first thing in the morning. hahahaha


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